Lyric discussion by maxpower114 

It's pretty obvious what this song is about... I agree that it's by far one of Pearl Jam's BEST songs... The last two lines.. AMAZING...

Max - I've been a PJ fan for over 20 years and have attended dozens of their shows. NO ONE knows what this song is about. So to casually say it is "obvious" is not quite accurate. Some say it is about suicide. Some say abortion. Some say a lost love. Even Eddie Vedder has said that the song could have many meanings.

I am curious to hea what lyrics make you so certain that you know what the song is about.

This i definitely about loss. Be it loss of your love, loss of your loved child by aborting it. That might lead to suicide. Yeah, the story behind it might be something else. What's important is what it means to you. At least that's what i think..

@maxpower114 It is mainly about a break-up, I would say.

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