Lyric discussion by Traumattizing 

this song deals with the ups and downs of life. Dave wrote this song to put his thoughts of suicide down on paper. He seriously contimplated it several times in his lifetime. "Then I look up at the sky My mouth is open wide lick and taste" is dave saying "i've been down, but i picked myself up...saw the brighter side of things...want more for myself then to end up dead. the lyrics "Sing and dance I'll play for you tonight The thrill of it all " is dave saying i'll go on, doing things for you, just to make you happy (the one time i actually think he's talking straight to his fans!)

I love this song, the best part of the song is "dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but i'll work it out" how can you not live by those words???

Just as a side note, as usual in concert dave changes the lyrics to this song...he'll usually add something about the city he's in at the beginning by saying something like "could i have been a your sports team here cheerleader?" funny how dave has so much fun with such a serious song.

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