Lyric discussion by Vince 

Jesus, I bought this album yesterday and decided to listen to it the whole way through before i went to bed.

the rest of the album passed and i sat, fascinated by the qualuty of the musicianship, then, however this track came on.

as i lay there on my bed, in the dark, at 1 o clock in the morning i swear i nearly shat myself! Not only are the lyrics fuckin freaky but the musical accompaniment only serves to amplify the terror i was feeling!

Don't ever listen to this before going to sleep as it will give u nightmares- no doubt about it!

Hahaha i did pretty much the same thing, being to lazy to get up and change the disk after triad and then BAM freaked out, i also seem to link this to Roseta Stoned in the similarities of the extraterrestial beings, although thats about LSD trips.

Great! Now listen to Die Eier Von Satan. That one's a kicker too!

In fact, the whole Aenima album is just creepy.

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