Lyric discussion by makersandwater 

i don't know who's a better poster child for conservatives; mojo or sierp. both posts say "hippies are losers."

btw, i like the dead. i like their music, and i'm sure they are (or "were," as the case may be. r.i.p., jerry) good people. i also count widespread panic among my favorite bands.

i can think for myself, and tend to be a bit of a contrarian. i have no interest in "oppressing" anybody. i possess no hate or anger, and consider myself to be open-minded.

but, alas, sierp's right.

hippies suck.

i know this is a decade late but funny fact...

The hippies who grooved to this song in the 60s while sleeping around and doing their dope are todays neo-conservatives... Go figure.

The baby boomers for ya my friend... The most schizophrenic, identity-less and therefore always charging into the next propaganda gimmick they're sold generation the modern world has ever known.

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