Lyric discussion by alimania 

I cant believe nobody's commented yet, considering the amount of views this song has had. Anyway, it's pretty hard to explain what I think this song is about, but I'll try my best.

I think it's about the music industry, the "fake" fans (a.k.a "hipsters" in the song lyrics), record companies, and basically the music industry as a whole. "Who wants honey, as long as there's money..." This explains the whole emaning of the song, and is saying the music industry doesnt care if its good music or whatever, as long as it produces the money. And the "fake" fans I was talking about, flock to what's "in" and Corgan obviously doesnt seem to like that much...

Well that was the best I could do, Im sorry if it didnt make much sense.

Billy has stated himself that it's about the music industry so good job man ha. My favorite line is "beware of all those angels with their wings glued on" awesome song.

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