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The Smiths – Hand in Glove Lyrics 19 years ago
i've always thought it was...

"no its not like any other glove
this one's different
because its yours"

Wheat – Don't I Hold You? Lyrics 21 years ago
really? i thought guster was great. my 3rd or 4th time seeing each his own.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 21 years ago
unless you're a native american, i suggest you start packing your bags. i'll assume you're an anglo-saxon, read: white. i find it interesting that you dont want immigration, yet im completely sure that your ancestors did the same. the same anglo saxons that took over the native american land. so get off your moral high horse about being a pure american. this country is based on the mixing bowl of ethnicities.

Wheat – Don't I Hold You? Lyrics 21 years ago
this song is amazing. Soundboy, were you at the Norfolk, VA Guster show? As i was. Although, im not sure how you compare Wheat to Sigur Ros, but ok. they do have old stuff! The album is called Hopes and Adams and its on SugarFree Records. It contains the version of Dont I hold You above. The version which i like more.

check out the Dont I Hold You video. its badass.

The Reindeer Section – You Are My Joy Lyrics 21 years ago
amazing song.. i fyou like this one. check out American Analog Set's "Aaron and Maria"....

pure bliss

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 21 years ago
BigRicks, I realized long ago that I had misspelled the word. so get over it.

this song is still horrible. even worse is that new 'do you remember' song. what is it with popular country music and lack of logic.

doesnt matter anymore. americans think that Bush is fantastic, 'we got them towelheads! wooho!' (please note that I am joking). He'll get re-elected next election, not because hes a great president, but because hes made a sort of false retribution for 9-11.

So in 2008, when we're in a worse economy than we are now, when unemployment has skyrocketed and our national deficit is at an even higher level than it currently is (the current deficit is at an ALL time high, you people understand that?), i'll say i told you so.

Bruce Springsteen – The Rising Lyrics 22 years ago
Bruce's new album is pretty much a concept album about September 11th. and this song seems to be a song about coming to terms and moving on, at least i think so.

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead – Another Morning Stoner Lyrics 22 years ago
i agree with AceThePig. for all of you stupid 'EMO' kids, that think that blink182 and boxcar racer and good charlotte are 'emo', do yourself a favor and pick up sunny day real estate - the rising tide. Also, while you're at it, pick up Mineral - EndSerenading. Both extremely fantastic albums.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
like the Ani Difranco song, 'to the teeth'.

'i gonna take all my friends, move to cananda, and die of old age.'

nothingface: i totally support his right to say what he wants. i dont have a double standard. same goes with eminem, i may not agree with some of the stuff he says, but he should be able to say ANYTHING he wants. doesnt mean that i cant have beef with is lyrics. I just find it troubling, that he and the RIAA is making money off of the US citizens in response to a horrible act. however it got popular, the person responsible knew exactly the fervor that it would create.

The Get Up Kids – Let the Reigns Go Loose Lyrics 22 years ago
hmm i think i prefer this album to something to write home about. that one seem like they were just trying to have fun. This album has extreme thought to the musical arrangement along with the lyrics. Musically and lyrically, this album, for me, wins hands down.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
im back. sorry i left you hanging Starfish. i've read these arguments that have been posted in my abscence. tisk tisk. To the guy who said that i came here to start arguments: Not so. I came here to see what other people thought of this song because it appalled me and i responded to what others have posted. So, sorry buddy, didnt come here to waste my time 'feeding my fire'. and my using big words, what does it matter if i have a reading level above a 16 year old? "big words" are not used to make me sound better than i am, but to further clarify my point.

as for me attacking Christianity. this man came in here spouting how devout he was, yet when it all came down to it, he didnt focus on the fundamentals of Christianity; love and compassion. I dont want to bring this argument back in the spotlight, but that is the reason i argued with im.

one more thing, you say that i should complain about the government, that I voted them in office. Funny though, Bush was appointed to office by the sumpreme court not but votes, but because they knew if they were to do an official recount, Gore would have probably won. Im more conservative than liberal, but damn, the person who has the most votes should win the election and not win at all costs.

and one more thing, Toby Keith exploited 9/11. He and his record label knew exactly what they were doing, rallying up people with a song. It worked with the 80's collaboration BandAid "Do they know its christmas", and it worked. Sure he used memories of his father, sure hes 'patriotic' but it doesnt excuse the fact that he is making money off of it. Funny how that works out.
you can respond all you want and i will continue response, in fact i encourage it. Isnt that the point of this forum?

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
i wholeheartedly agree with starfish. americans have this view that all we do is humanitarian. not so, we do messed up things, just like every other country.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
"Nobody knows what the founders excately thought except them...... So for Pete's sake just move on...... "

Take your own medicine. I am not your son. And I'm not bitter, its called debate. intelligent adult coversation. expanding opinions, whatever you want to call it.

You say the founders meant for this country to be under god? how so, please show me some evidence. the only 'evidence' i can see is what pat robertson says. that my friend is hearsay.

when i debate with someone, i debate with an open mind, and get my points across how i see them. if i am wrong, i'll admit it. You seem to shut your mind off to anything thatyou dont believe. That's your loss.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
Ryno, i never claimed to be a christian. I am, but i never used it in an argument, so my cussing has nothing to do with. and i dont come here 'sturring' up stuff. this a forum. a discussion board. the point is interaction. if everyone agreed with you, the whole place would a giant 'reacharound'.

On the whole, one nation under God, bit. In god we trust was added to our dollar in the 50's. One nation under got was added to the pledge around the same time. All in response to the cold war. So dont tell me that our nation was founded under god because im sorry, it wasnt.

If you can't collectively uphold your arguments, then simply dont make them.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
if you were HALF of the follower of Jesus Christ you say you are, you wouldnt be hateful. Oh i forgot, merely stating that you are a Christian, and then admitting your faults, somehow makes it OK for you to be hateful. Sorry buddy, thats not how it works. By acting that way, you do nothing but place negative views on Christianity. You once again prove just how much you follow really follow Christ's teachings.

You zealots are all the same. USA or no way. If i dont like the way this country is, its MY JOB AS AN AMERICAN, as a PATRIOT, to lobby for effective change. not simply leave. Take a history lesson. If Martin Luther King left because he didnt like segregation, well then it would be a sad place. Get over yourself and for once stop acting like the US never does anything wrong. EVERY country has its faults.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
Christian (n.) - follower of Jesus Christ

i appreciate your somewhat more approachable reposnse however, how DARE you call yourself a follower of the bible, and then refer to people in afghanistan, 'camel f'ers". How dare you? Unbelieveable. Not really a fanof them anymore, but when i was, i discovered a DC Talk lyric that rings true now more than ever..."The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is christians. Those that acknowledge this with their lips and action. That is what an unbelieving world, simply finds unbelievable." Christ taught unconditional, undying, unreciprocatable love. You've shown everyone on this board how hateful you are. Please dont respond with how bad of a thing those people did. We're talking you. One more thing before I go. As far as you offending me, you did. You're not sorry, honestly i dont care. I wouldnt expect an apology from someone with that much hate.

another thing. When you spoke about the being a patriot thing. The fact that everyone and their mom bought american flags after it happened, showed me how mindless americans really are. The purchase of those flags, the pins, the buttons, the shirts, the shoes only helped Wal-Mart's stock go up. Did nothing to help the victims. So please dont act like you're doing something for the greater good of americans. You talk of people's patriotism wearing off, yet you wonder why? It was never there in the first place. People only wore those shirts to show everyone else that they're prat of something. Not for the real pride that might come with wearing it. You may have been a real patriot before, and i commend you on that.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
thanks for responding yourfavoriteguy and for not attacking me, only attacking the issue. that is how people are supposed to debate. however, i honestly hope you're kidding about the issues of slavery and the indians and the statments you made. by saying that if we hadnt run the indians off or if we kept slavery going, (correct me if im wrong here) but it sounds like you're saying we wouldnt be as great a nation. It seems you have no problem that this country was built upon the backs of people without their will. how can you like the slavery idea? mindboggling. you speak about how we have made this world. yes, we have played a major role in this world. and if we hadnt the world would be a much different place. like you said, we kicked Hitler's ass. Same applies for when country's need aid. I appreciate your comments, but im not quite so sure i agree with them.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
you're kidding right? so because the government, pushed the native americans off of their land, when the government allowed slavery, you're saying that I should support it no matter what? My god, you people are incredible. Let me correct you, a TRUE american has thier OWN opinions about topics and votes respectively. If everyone supported the government in every decision that they made, then what the hell is the point of having different parties? We should just have one then, right? If theres no view to oppose then why have a second? i dont come here to stir shit up, i come here for intelligent coversation. thats the point of boards like these, discussion.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
right, theryno731, thats the way to intelligently argue a point. name calling. its called Ad Hoc. a common fallacy in debating. it completely negates your argument when you resort to petty statements such as that. thus making you look like the one with a hole in your argument. oh wait, it MUST be the american way. i'm not gay, and even if i was, how would that make any difference. its mysogony like yours that make this song popular. grow up and open you damn eyes. one more thing. as for as me not liking what this song stands for. This country, yes, USA, was founded on opposing beliefs, going against the grain of the british. an amalgamation of beliefs, religions, viewpoints, races. To tell me that since i dont like the lyrics of this song, i should leave, is null and void. god forbid that i have an opposing viewpoint. heaven forbid that there be an opposition to YOUR view. I'll be anxiously awaiting your reply TheRyno731, because I'd sure like to see what you have to say.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
you people are missing my point. and im not surprised due to the mysogonistic nature of this song. i never said that the people who did this shouldnt be reprimanded, i am discussing our reaction, as a COUNTRY to this whole thing. judging by the way you guys are fighting for this song, it seems you are for the US bombing innocent residents of Afghanistan. like you're taking the arugment of, "oh well they bombed our innocents, we should be able to bombs theirs". Right, that really makes sense. These people that did this were a GROUP of people, not an entire nation. How the hell would you like it if you were held accountable forevery action that the KKK committed? For once people, look at things from different perspectives, not whatever the shitty CNN's of the cable world feed you. USE YOUR BRAIN. Nothing is black and white, only shades of grey. We, the US, have bombed a Red Cross Center over there, a RED CROSS CENTER! clearly this mentality of bomb first think later is massively flawed. its, once again, childish and rash. i urge you all to think about things objectively.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
when the attackers are people from a country, not a particular country, it muddies the water. how would you like it if an american did the same thing over in Europe and Great Britian told us that if we didnt relinquish that person they would bomb us? what of that bomb hit YOUR parents house. you had nothing to do with the person who set the bomb. think about that. and its not like the taliban would have cares if people got bombed, they didnt give a shit, so they wouldnt give up anyone even if the culprit was there. Bombing a country, trying to find a resident, is in fact, childish and rash.

Toby Keith – Courtesy of the red, white, and blue (angry american) Lyrics 22 years ago
this song is a bunch of shit. yea the real way to solve problems is to act like a fucking little kid, and hit back. grow the hell up and learn about something called diplomatics!

Jimmy Eat World – Goodbye Sky Harbor Lyrics 22 years ago
the suicide idea is WRONG. geez, its clearly about 'A Prayer for Owen Meany". Over half of the lines are direct quotes from the book.

The Get Up Kids – Let the Reigns Go Loose Lyrics 22 years ago
i think on a wire is GUK's greatest album to date.. incredible.

Jimmy Eat World – Your New Aesthetic Lyrics 22 years ago
watchmefall, i think you're mistaken. JEW created Bleed American on their own dollar, WITHOUT label support. they created the album the way THEY wanted to, not the way some exec told them to. they are in a business, so what if the songs they create get popular. who the hell cares, if you dont want to know about it, dont listen to the radio or watch mtv, i dont and i think i have a better appreciation of music because of it. get over this "my favorite band is only for me" mentality. its childish. Bleed American is one of JEWs best albums, and the way the music industry is right now. any 'rock' song can be popular. so get over it.

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