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Cat Power – Colors and the Kids Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is quite astounding. The song is generally about looking at the world around you and realizing that you want more from life. In looking around and seeing where you are and what you have become you realize the decisions and the people you have turned away from. Despite the fact that you know you can't go back and change the decisions you've made, there's still the longing and wondering of what could have been. Which is a tricky game to play, because life could have splintered off into so many directions based on the most minute of decisions and its impossible to know what you might have become if only you had ordered the onion rings instead of the fries. But Chan is doing the big picture remembering, recollecting youth and influential people in her life, to come to a certain idealism and gaurded hope that realizes there is a world of possibilities hidden in front of her. It speaks to the real power that meeting the right people or finding the right places can have in bringing out something different and better in another person. I like the song "Maybe Not" from the "You Are Free" album as a follow-up to this song - it is more overtly optimistic and centred on changing the future, rather than romanticizing the past.

Modest Mouse – Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset Lyrics 21 years ago
For name taken ...

My top 10 Bright Eyes song reccomendations: (1) If Winter Ends, (2) A Perfect Sonnet, (3) I Will Be Grateful For This Day, (4) When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass, (5) Haligh Haligh A Lie Haligh, (6) I Watched You Taking Off, (7) Big Picture, (8) Method Acting, (9) You Will? You? Will. You? Will. You? Will. (10) No Lies, Just Love.

Modest Mouse – Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset Lyrics 21 years ago
Really I don't know if I'd really call Modest Mouse/Bright Eyes "emo". Emotionally based, yes. But far deeper than most everything classified as "emo". Especially the more recent albums, where its obvious they've matured lyrically and musically ... Nonetheless, I think the theme is the universal desire to find yourself amidst the trappings of everyday society. If you say you've never gone to bed completely confused about your life and what to do with it ... I feel sorry for you. It's alright to question your existence - you'll be the better for it. I hope ... So great song about being conscious of what you're doing in the world, not just what you're thinking ...

Bright Eyes – Padraic My Prince Lyrics 21 years ago
I know not what this means ... but I found this poem by Padraic Colum who I believe influenced Conor called "The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles" from chapter 2. Notice the use of the words "bright eyes". Coincidence or not?

*** She thought on the moment when she had seen Jason for the first time–in the courtyard as the mist lifted and the dove flew to her; she thought of him as he lifted those bright eyes of his; then she thought of his voice as he spoke after her father had imposed the dreadful trial upon him. She would have liked then to have cried out to him, “O youth, if others rejoice at the doom that you go to, I do not rejoice." ***

Seems to accurately reflect on Conor's perspective and even his writing style ... like when he describes falling in love in the attic of his parent's house and his gloomily optimistic view of the world around him.

The Beach Boys – God Only Knows Lyrics 21 years ago
Great song ... I love the clever simplicity of the phrase "God only knows what I'd be without you." God only knows can either mean I'll be a wreck without you or can be seen as a sarcastic jeez how could I live without you? Clever words and great harmonies.

The Replacements – Skyway Lyrics 21 years ago
Not really sure what a skyway is, but I always envisioned it as a ride to all a place where all dreams are possible. Now it makes me think of the movie Waking Life.

Wilco – Sunken Treasure Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is brilliant ... love how it just crashes, like the ship that suddenly dissapears creating the myth of sunken treasure. Despite the crash, the song just rolls on as if nothing had happened - Wilco plays on. Seems to parallel the meaning of the song - life is unexplainable, filled with many trip-ups that leave you wondering why ... you can't understand it, so you just keep on being and take solace in the little things that keep you going. Like rock and roll and the voyage to discover someone else you are in tune with.

Nirvana – Territorial Pissings Lyrics 21 years ago
For the record, the "C'mon people now, smile on your brother" is by the Youngbloods and called "Get Together". The use of this song is what I think is so genius about Territotial Pissing. The song was a 60's hippie anthem, spreading the word of peace and free love. Krist Novoselic's interpratation of it is the most important parts of the song. Novoselic distorts the song to make it sound like a piece of bullshit idealism - a hopeless dream, as hippie parents sold out and went corporate just like everyone before and after them. I think the band was saying the carefree times of the 60's are gone, and have left those growing up in the 90's in its wake. We can't pretend to be happy, we don't know what our place is in the world and we don't want to pretend as though we do. This was what Nevermind and grunge were all about - trying to find your place in a world that you feel you have no control over. "Gotta find a way, a better way - I had better wait" In the end Kurt never did find his place and sadly suicide was his only salvation.

Galaxie 500 – Tugboat Lyrics 21 years ago
Presumably written with Velvet Underground guitarist Sterling Morrison is mind - after leaving the VU he become somewhat of an isolationist, pursuing a Ph. D in midevil studies and becoming a tugboat captain. I think the song more generally is about escaping the trivialities of the social world, and reconnecting with life and nature. I think of a tugboat captain as someone who charters the vast, open waters. But then again tugboat captains have a specific destination they are heading to. So a tugboat captain is not entirely a recluse, but maintains just enough of a link to society to know why he no longer wants to be there. This song is then a call to let go of the modern world and return to a more natural, simple way of life.

Yo La Tengo – Autumn Sweater Lyrics 21 years ago
That was a really well-written explanation green3, and I hardly want to tread on it. Nonetheless ... I have always thought that it was about seeing someone who you used to be intimately involved with, but who you haven't seen in significant amount of time. What triggered this was my own experiences of meeting up with an ex-girlfriend in the past. I had equally contradictory desires of simply wanting to see her, but fearful of not really knowing what to say or how to act. Leading up to the moment when we met, I sat anxiously wondering if it would be better if we didn't see eachother again. It didn't seem to be enough to simply discuss whatever we had in common before, so I felt like there was not much I needed to express to her. The lyrics that make it seem as though it is not about the beginning of a relationship is: "it's a waste of time if I can't smile easily like in the beginning." This makes it apparent that there is a history between the two people, that the natural giddiness and the directionless ease of a new relationship is no longer possible. Something has happened to heighten the insecurity the narrator lives with. But I do think you have it nailed about the narrator's lack of security ... the autumn sweater is used as the juxtaposition to the narrator's insecurity. An autumn sweater is all about security - it's so warm and cozy and I think people who wear them are comfortable in their own skin.

The Microphones – I Felt Your Shape Lyrics 21 years ago
I think you're kind of right alliebee ... I think he's saying I thought I knew who you were, but really I only knew what you let me know. It seems as though he has been deceived, that she if different than she has presented herself to be. And a result he feels alone again.

Mason Jennings – Big Sur Lyrics 21 years ago
Great song from Mason ... he says this is a song to give you hope, but there is a little bit of regret attached to this. He knows that some relationships are meant to end, but he wishes it didn't have to be this way. Love the words ... "And the funny thing to me is how quickly it slips away. And leaves you longing for the things that were never spoken." Ah the dreams of what could have been.

The Jayhawks – I'm Gonna Make You Love Me Lyrics 21 years ago
Great song from the Jayhawks ... like the words "i'll never be all you want me to but that's all right." No one is ever going to be perfect. No one could ever match the idealized vision you have molded in your head. But when you find someone you can talk for hours and feel comfortable with then go for it. It's worth the risk of screwing up an already perfect friendship.

The Stone Roses – Tears Lyrics 21 years ago
Realizing that you have found someone who makes you contemplate your whole way of living. But even though you want to change a reckless way of living for this person, you feel like you can't do it yourself - that you need another person to hold your hand along the way. This song hopes for the other person to see your fading and carry you to better things.

Johnny Cash – Sunday Morning Coming Down Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is Johnny Cash personified ... living life the hard way and telling it the way it is. I don't think it's about some drunk burnout, I think it's about JC and his inability to draw the line even though he so clearly sees the mess he has created around him. Best line was already pointed out ... "I'm wishing lord that I was stoned, cause there is something in a sunday that makes the body feel alone." He's so far gone that he doesn't know where to turn. Even when he turns to god he's not looking to change his life, just a way out of how he's feeling. Great song, not so great to live it though.

Mercury Rev – Car Wash Hair Lyrics 21 years ago
A song with a sound that produces visions of epic proportions, but really is just about wanting to run your hands through someone's alluring car wash hair. I don't really know what is meant by this song but somehow I think it's buried in the amusing words "number two has got me confused ... hope I'll always be numbers one and three."

Sparklehorse – It's A Wonderful Life Lyrics 22 years ago
So much of the recent Sparklehorse is filled with vivid and strange imagery - lots of images of animals and nature. All that I can make up of it is that Mark Linkous is looking at the world with a fresh set of eyes, like a child discovering the wonders of the bog by jumping right in, in spite of the poisonous frogs. It's as though he's saying yes the world is weird and unexplainable, but that's what makes life wonderful. Probably makes sense under the context that Mark nearly died a while back after he accidently overdosed on prescription pills.
In a hotel room in London he awkwardly layed unconscious with his legs pinned under his body for 14 hours as a result, and went through numerous surgeries after that to correct damaged nerves in his leg. But he survived and has recouped all functions in his legs. So perhaps he feels he has a new lease in life, a second chance and is channeling his childhood to look at the world with hope despite it's unexplainable strangeness.

Spiritualized – All Of My Thoughts Lyrics 22 years ago
What can you say about Spiritualized? A whole lot I'm sure. But I'll just say go out and buy a Spiritualized CD (or download it in its entirety if not), put on a set of headphones and let yourself float away with the music - "Ladies And Gentleman We Are Floating In Space" or "Lazer Guided Melodies" are the best two albums for this. Spiritualized songs contemplate and capture the vastness of answerable questions about life - why I am here? why is there so much pain in life? what is the role of god and religion? - as well as the simplicity and complexity of loving and losing. Beautiful music.

Hayden – You Are All I Have Lyrics 22 years ago
Captures the fragility that radiates through much of Hayden's work. Even when things are going right in a relationship, Hayden is thinking about its demise. The girl is everything for Hayden, what provides him with life. The reverse isn't the same for the girl, but perhaps this is what Hayden likes about her. Anyways, love how the verses play off each other comparing him to the girl and Hayden being so open about being afraid to lose the one thing that matters to him.

Ryan Adams – Amy Lyrics 22 years ago
Ryan having second thoughts about a love gone by and wondering if his ex is thinking about him too. It captures longing so accurately - you feel sad and curious, but do not indulge the curiousity because it would mean admitting that you're not over someone and not knowing if the other is thinking the same. So you stake out your old haunts hoping to bump into her and live with the memories in the meantime. When I was younger I remember these birthday cards that when opened sang happy birthday and included your name. You could buy them to say your name and feel like it was personalized for me. I think it would be humorous to do the same with this song and be able to insert the name of your ex at the appropriate spot. Like oh i love you Charlette do you still love me? and send it to your ex. Or send an email and let your ex click a survey question about her feelings of love - no more uncertainty, the survey says she's over you. It just seems so universal to pine over a lost love but not know what to do about it.

Mercury Rev – The Dark Is Rising Lyrics 22 years ago
Reminds me of a storybook tale, only the ending is not the perfect happiness that was envisioned. Amidst the dreams of grandeur - "big crowds, plooms of smoke and high clouds" - and dreams of simplicity - "I dreamed that I was walking, and the two of us were talking" - the real life vision is lost. There is a sense of both loneliness and optimism in the song which I completely relate to. Reminds me of the "perfect" girl I was with that I slowly let slip away because I wanted to be "perfect" with her, instead of being me, with all my weaknesses as well as strengths. And I never dreamed I'd lose her either, but am left wondering about her still. This song is amazing.

Coldplay – Don't Panic Lyrics 22 years ago
The thing I like most about Coldplay is that they don't pretend they've got it all figured out. I guess I'm talking about Chris Martin since he writes the lyrics. Anyways there is a modesty to them. They exude this fragility, like an innocent boy in a world of men. It's not that they are blissfully ignorant or that they are infallable, but they acknowledge this and choose to see the beauty instead. They may get down or not have anyone to talk to sometimes, but in the end they remember the beauty of the world.

The Shins – Girl Inform Me Lyrics 22 years ago
There are many Shins song that leave me perplexed, but this is not one of them. I'll jump on the bandwagon and say that I think Zooey has it nailed. It's about meeting a girl and then suddenly everything revolves around her. Only you're not with her, and can only guess if her eyes are telling you to approach or if her eyes are like that for everyone. About the cutting the mustard ... I've heard that phrase used for passing gas ... errr farting ... back in the day. And it kinda makes sense - the act of farting in front of another is a sign of comfort and acceptance in a relationship. It's the magical moment when you realize that no ones perfect depsite attempts to the contrary early in a relationship.

Elliott Smith – Ballad of Big Nothing Lyrics 22 years ago
Centers around the oft-heard innocent phrase "you can do whatever you want to." But the innocent phrase of optimism is skewed by the reality that shapes Elliot's life. He thinks he has gone too far away, seen too many things, screwed up too many times and is angry and afraid. Could be about the desire to kick a drug habit - with the second use of "candy" - but not knowing the first thing about how to do it. All that Elliot sees is a patterned cycle that he doesn't know how to escape, so he just keeps on keeping on and becomes bitter at those who live with wide-eyed innocence.

The Frames – What Happens When The Heart Just Stops Lyrics 22 years ago
The song starts off with a hushed whisper - a fragile voice that seems unsure of anything but the shattered state of his heart. But slowly this turns around and you can hear a confidence building and a sense of certainty being gained. Even if the confidence and certainty only leads to the realization that he is dissapointed, there is feeling and passion in the voice where there once was none. Seems to be about when the world takes an unexpected change and you're left without feelings, only numbness - the end of a relationship or death or a loved one. I think it's about death with the lyrics about the heart stopping and bereavement - finding a way to go on living after losing someone you never imagined living without.

Travis – Last Train Lyrics 22 years ago
Fran channels his dark side in this one ... this song seems to be about being in a relationship and wondering if you really know who you're with. What makes me think this is the references to "Flowers in the Window" and "She's So Strange" at the start of the song - it's as though he goes from having everything sorted out to a state where he doesn't understand what's going on at all. It makes me think that this is a paranoid flight that Fran decides to ride out by writing about it. He takes something small that is bothering him (a feeling that he doesn't know someone as well as he wishes) and amplifies it into a grand piece of pulp fiction. In the end he cools his head, gains some perspective and realizes that everything is going to be alright as it is.

Mason Jennings – Train Leaving Grey Lyrics 22 years ago
The line "hoping that I'll see you on the street" is what I've been thinking about too. It seems so universal to miss an ex and desire to strike up a relationship again. Only calling seems desperate, like you haven't moved on - even if you haven't for some reason you never want to admit that. That is weird - you should be able to admit to someone that you've missed them, it shouldn't just be a game. So the spontaneous meeting on the street is all there is to hold out for, even if it is for a hopeless love.

The Strokes – Hard To Explain Lyrics 22 years ago
jared&brit ... you make a great point and it makes complete sense to me. Expectations seems to be a major aspect of the song too. I notice that in the first verse where it goes "Oh I don't see it that way, I don't see it that way". I envision someone providing the Strokes with their formula for success, and them saying whoa that's not how I want to be ... it's hard to explain who I am and how I think, but I know I'm not that. Instead of getting caught up in how others expect you to be, there is another way. Just living life and finding out who you are, how you want to live. In my opinion a great movie that contemplates the expectations people place on themselves and other people is the Royal Tenenbaums.

Lambchop – Up with People Lyrics 22 years ago
"Up With People" were a travelling brigade of performers - who I saw live in the 80s in my hometown - that promoted wholesome family values through a thinly veiled entertainment show filled with dancing and singing. It was like the "It's A Small World" ride at Disney World coming to life on stage. It was quite bizarre, but at the time I remembered being impressed as most youngsters might be. Anyways I'm quite sure this song pays homage to this brigade, poking fun of the hokey "we are all one" message they sought to pass on in suburbs around the world. The song seems to say that instead of the "up with people" idea, the seed of cynicism and self-interest was somehow planted.

The Chemical Brothers – The State We're In Lyrics 22 years ago
The whoa! of this song (in my opinion) is provided by British chanteusse Beth Orton. Beth is a frequent Chemical Brothers collaborator, providing vocals for "Alive Alone" and "Where Do I Begin" on previous albums. If you like this I'd recommend her solo material - it has more of an acoustic/folky sound to it, but combined with stripped-down electronic beats. Anyways brilliant song, a great merger of Orton's voice and the Chemical Brothers beats.

Björk – I Miss You Lyrics 22 years ago
Bjork patiently awaits the love she dreams of meeting. She has an intricate understanding of who this person will be, even knowing what their habits will be. But to Bjork it is more than a dream, it is more like a destined future. The seeming reality of this destiny then makes Bjork impatient, because the picture is so clear. She wonders why it has yet to become reality, but knows that she really isn't ready for it yet. It is a beautiful and hopeful song ... there is a love for us all - all we have to do is envision it and wait ...

Sarah Harmer – Lodestar Lyrics 22 years ago
Sarah and a new love go for a leisurely late-night boat ride on the bay, being guided by the moon and stars alone. I think it is about the possibilities of a new relationship, finding out about each other in the darkness. A lodestar is a star that is used as a point of reference for all others. With no guiding lodestar in the sky, Sarah is equating the night with the relationship. There are no goals, no plans, just the beautiful ambiguity that a new relationship brings. With great uncertainty comes great possibilities.

The Magnetic Fields – Asleep And Dreaming Lyrics 22 years ago
It's the little intracacies that no one else knows that make you love the ones you love. Sometimes just sitting watching the one you love simply breath makes you realize how lucky you are - the unspoken possibilities that two people share can be more convincing than words or actions could ever be.

Jeff Buckley – Satisfied Mind Lyrics 22 years ago
Beautiful song, although I wonder if Jeff Buckley really left this old world with a satisfied mind? But the message is clear - although we all may be born into entrirely different circumstances, we all have the chance to choose personal happiness.

Elliott Smith – Pitseleh Lyrics 22 years ago
Pitseleh is a beautifully sad song - I can hear the fragility of Elliot Smith oozing out in this song. Pitseleh is apparantly a yiddish word meaning "little one" so it is a term of endearment in this song. Obviously he is regretting losing someone he loved, but seemingly someone he had to convince to love him back. Seems like a love that was doomed from the start, but Elliot doesn't seem ready to change who he is to suit her. He realizes that he is wrought with holes, but that's just who he is.

Ed Harcourt – Apple Of My Eye Lyrics 22 years ago
Great song from Ed Harcourt - seems to be about reaching the point where you realize the life you're living means nothing to you. You are so far from the person you want to be that your life is more a "show" than a reflection of who you are. What makes you realize this? A person who is seemingly your polar opposite - the apple of your eye, the person who makes you want to give up your foolish charades.

The Be Good Tanyas – Light Enough To Travel Lyrics 22 years ago
The Be Good Tanyas take old-timey folk and put a slight twist on it. It's hard to explain, but they add a cheerful drunkenness to their songs that makes them seem uplifting even when they are lyrically dark and dreary. Anyways this is a one of those songs ... it just bounces along, coming alive with precise picking, splashing drums and beautiful vocal harmonies. The bounce highlights the paranoia of the character in the song, who anxiously finds hereself amongst the coffee drinkers and bar drunkards she seeks to avoid. The song makes you feel alright to always keep a suitcase packed and to hit the road to find something new to despise.

Coldplay – In My Place Lyrics 22 years ago
ioracle, I don't know if the lyrics are incorrect - sometimes I hear "him", sometimes "it". Defenitely up for grabs. I guess we'll have to wait for the official liner notes or lyric postings from Coldplay. The one line that makes me think it is about a love gone by is "Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed." I don't know how this fits into the writer's block scenario, he's not talking across crossing the t's or anything. Crossed lines to me means he regrets a hastily-made decision from the past. It's worth debating though. Great song anyways - I have a wonderful live version of it also, with "In My Place" segwaying into Burt Bacharach's "What the World Needs Now". It's defenitely worth the download.

Ben Folds Five – Jackson Cannery Lyrics 22 years ago
Reminds me of the phrase "you are what you eat" especially when he says "cause I'm a factory." You work in a factory, therefore the factory becomes your life. This song could easily be about any job that people stay in despite the fact that they hate it and what they've become as a result of it. So screw the job, take the bus to California and get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Better than working in a factory.

Coldplay – In My Place Lyrics 22 years ago
Interesting take on the song ioracle. Most of the song could be intrepeted as a writer experiencing writer's block, waiting for the inspiration to strike. The only part that doesn't fit with that is the chorus and the use of the word "him". That shows that it is about a person not writer's block. So I am inclined to agree with the pining for a love gone by story.

Travis – Unbelievers Lyrics 22 years ago
Violetzebras: I hear "Reaping the same till we reach the end" which is a cross between your "repay" and "weeping". And reaping makes sense considering the line before it - it's like the phrase "you reap what you sow". When you wish for nothing, this is what you will get. Hope that helps. Anyways, great song. Highlights the paradox of desiring fame, but being shy, innocent non-achievers.

Badly Drawn Boy – Magic In The Air Lyrics 22 years ago
Great song about the energy that newfound love can bring. It's about meeting someone that you instantly want to know everything about. But the song also seems to anticipate the end of this infatuation, perhaps realizing that this feeling of intimacy has happened before - like saying hello, but realizing that soon you'll be saying goodbye. But in the end it is optimistic, saying that this is alright and if it is meant to be, it will be.

Badly Drawn Boy – Pissing In The Wind Lyrics 22 years ago
Agree with lotamilka that he is doing two things at once and not with delirium - pissing means urination not drinking in this context. Anyways, I think this song acknowledges the ups and downs that being in love brings. Finding someone you truly love is full of risks - these risks may lead you the wrong way or to the right person. Despite the risk of being hurt it is about being open, honest, and hopeful and seeing where the natural flow of a relationship goes. This is best captured in the lines "Our worm is on the hook, a love which dangles free. Lets watch it swim, against the water's flow." You never know where a relationship will go when it first begins, but accepting this and being truthful will ensure that a "strong heart will prevail"

The Strokes – Hard To Explain Lyrics 22 years ago
I don't think this song is about pretending to be someone else or a jab at Fred Durst, simply put I think it about the idea that some things are hard to explain. Not everything needs to be explained, not everything needs to be understood. There are some things that just are. For example ask me why I like the Strokes and I don't need to justify it by saying they are rock n' roll personified or they rediscover the roots of 70's garage-punk found in the Velvet Underground or Television. I like the Strokes because hearing them triggers some weird part of me that wants to shake my ass and play air guitar. Can't really explain, it just happens. It's just a gut feeling, like in the lyric "I like it right here, but I cannot stay." Why do you want to go somewhere else where here is good? I don't know, I just do. They apply this to many ideas in the song: fame, laziness, relationships, honesty, youth, music critics, etc ... In the end they are just asking people to accept them for who they are, without any forced explanation. There does not need to be a context for acceptance. Either you like them or you don't.

Lambchop – Grumpus Lyrics 22 years ago
It's about the times when there is complete fuzziness in your head, when all you can feel is nothing. You walk around in a fog, not really thinking about much at all or perhaps fixated on the one thing you can't get out of your mind - like a girl at the end of a relationship gone sour. The song urges people to wake up, change your frame of mind and remember that you have friends around who wonder why you are being so damn tragic. Easy advice ... hard to do.

Travis – The Fear Lyrics 22 years ago
I see what you mean bobo ... it does seem to be about wanting the comfort of a relationship to go on. A desire to enjoy the feeling of the easy life, waking up next to someone. But I think "The Fear" is still a fear of loneliness and uncertainty about finding someone you are truly comfortable with because the song suggests that the relationship is not perfect but it makes life "easier for a little bit longer."

Travis – The Fear Lyrics 22 years ago
What is the fear that is coming closer every year? To me that sounds like old age encroaching and inevitable death. But it is also says the fear is here, as in now and coupled with the focus on waking up next to someone makes me think this is about finding the person you want to live with forever. The song shows that it is a trial and error process, not always just a "tadaa" moment. Being with anyone is a respite from being alone - making life easy for a little bit - but it also a way to finding what you truly need in "the one".

Mojave 3 – In Love With A View Lyrics 22 years ago
Neil Halstead has a perfect vision of a life that would lead him to feel a sense of normalcy and possible happiness. But his vision quickly crumbles when the girl who is an incritcate of his hopeful vision says that his dream is meaningless to her. Neil is left trying to pick up the pieces of his shattered vision, realizing he can only dream of finding happiness for now.

Remy Zero – Belong Lyrics 22 years ago
Straight-forward meaning to this song. It's a nostalgic look bad at lost love and a life that is no longer possible. My favourite line is "in this world you gave me" implying the real potential for another person to create a life for another. This song makes me feel sad and happy at the same time.

Ryan Adams – To Be Young (Is to Be Sad, Is to Be High) Lyrics 22 years ago
Ryan is defenitely not hiding his Dylan influences on this one, but agree with Brettski in that this song isn't about the personal despair or shame or regretfulness that run through much of Dylan's work. It is a simple, truthful song about lost love, youth and drugs. It answers the question of why you do drugs when you're young - there isn't anything better to do.

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