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Nirvana – Polly Lyrics 21 years ago
Kurt wrote this song about an article he read. A man named Gerald Friend had abducted a young girl after a show that she went to. Friend took her to his trailer, tied her up, repeadetly raped and would torture her with whips and a torch. She eventually got away though, while he left her alone in his car. He eventually was arressted and put in jail. This song is written from the rapists point of view, while "Rape Me " on In Utero(some say) is the response to the rapist. It makes sense if you listen to the lyrics of both. But anyways this is what happened so all you that dont know, this is the right account of it

Nirvana – Something in the Way Lyrics 21 years ago
Dellslave is an idiot. This song hasd absolutely nothing to do with sex. Dont try to talk about something you dont know anything about. THis song is an exaggerated account when he lived under a bridge. After having no job andhe owed several months rent to his friend Jesse Reed, he became homelesss. Sometiimes he would crash with his friends, but most of the time he slept under the bridge.

Weezer – El Scorcho Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is about not having the self confidence to tell a person that you love them. He is overwhelmed by her and really wants to tell her, but he can't . "How stupid is it? I cant talk about, I got to sing about it." It just talks about how stupid it is that he cant just go and tell her that he likes her. He goes on to say "for all iknow maybe you want me to." Its pretty self explanatory. Also, "I got to make a record of my heart" goes to show that Rivers put his heart into this album, and that when it didnt do good, he wanted o stop playing these songs off "PInkerton." So for all u asking that question, that is why. After this record was somewhat a downfall, Rivers felt bad, because he basically put his heart into it. Personally, I think it is their best album. This song is great, and I can really relate, as can a lot of people probably. A lot of times you have an obsession with someone, but your so afraid of rejection that you dont say anything. But if you love them then you should just go for it. This song is the best weezer song, and it ends with one of the best lines ever: "Ill bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon." I mean come on who could of thought of that besides Rivers

Weezer – The Good Life Lyrics 21 years ago
This is a great song. I think that everyone can basically relate to it in that there is a time, when you cant even recognize your own reflection, and that as time goes on you grow up and get older, and you want to "go back," to the days that you were happy. Oh yeah the last verse is one of the best lines ever: "Screw this crap..."

No Use For A Name – Fields Of Agony Lyrics 21 years ago
How come no one has commented on this song. This song is great. It rerally shows how worthless and pointless war is. It also asks "Why we hear about the USA and not the other side?" What about all the people that the US of A kill. They all have families too, but all we care about is the usa. We as a nation need to start looking at how our actions affect other peoples of differnet races more. This song shows the horrors of war-"One of a million."

No Use For A Name – Straight From The Jacket Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is not about suicide like some said. For one thing, it is written in the stepfathers point of view. In my opinion, it is the stepfather talking to his stepson, telling him that he is abandoning him and that he doesnt care about him. The kid "did not turn out right," so the father is tired of "working his fingers to the bone" for this kid that doesnt care. The father is dening that he is the kids father simply because he did not turn out how the father wanted him to. This situation of abandonment has become too comonin today society, and the lyrics really paint a realistic depiction of how this abandonment can be viewed. It is a sad song, but5 it is even more sad that kids actually have to go through this. The metaphor of "looking daown the barrel of a loaded gun" paints the picture of extreme fright in the kid, and a sense of hopelessness.

No Use For A Name – 51 Days Lyrics 21 years ago
It is definetly about Waco, and the power of a deception that a person posesses

No Use For A Name – Redemption Song Lyrics 21 years ago
WHATS MORE TO SAY, ITS A BOB MARLEY COVER!!!! One of the best covers song s ever. It has a great message of breaking away from"mental slavery"and "freeing our minds." The killing of our prophets refers to the wars and the killings of mercenaries or bringers-of-peace, and he says this must be done however to fulfill the bible. He is saying this as a criticism of what some people actually believe, that these wars and killings must be done to fulfill the bible. Pretty stupid. In times of war or struggle, these "songs of Freedom" may be all one has to hold ont to, and to dream of peace and freedom. Bob Marley rules, and so does NUFAn for doing this cover

No Use For A Name – Room 19 Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is about a dying man. It is a great song with a lot of feeling. THe man is reminiscing about when he was young and would "walk the streets." The man is in pain because of his "bleeding heart" which can be describing the illnes, or he maay be just dying of loneliness. and his heart longs to be young again.

No Use For A Name – Saddest Song Lyrics 21 years ago
I think that the writer starts of by talking abouthow society has created fear in everyone one of us. That we see other as "Aliens in Disguise." It goes on to show that society is bombarded with images of suffering and hate and hunger, and that we have began to accept these terrible image. Hence the title "Saddest Song." It truely is a sad day when we as a people can see these images and almost get a sense of enjoyment out of them. Of course, no one wants to face these issues personaly but as long as one is "behind the glass" and safe, then they dont seem to mind

No Use For A Name – Let It Slide Lyrics 21 years ago
I think it has to do with loneliness. Metaphor "When theres no one in my tree" is asking "Why I should i care, or why do I matter because no one else notices me?" Then he says let his time or life just "waste away in time. It deacribes a feeling of purposelessness(if that is a word, but u get the drift)

No Use For A Name – Pride Lyrics 21 years ago
This song brings up a new point with sept. 11. I am sick of everyone discovering a brand new "pride" or patriotism for our country. Where was this patriotism before the death of hundreds of thousands. As for the song, it talks about how ones history does not affect the future or who you are. Stop living in the past or with some fake pride in your country.

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