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Elliott Smith – Roman Candle Lyrics 7 years ago
It's plain and simple about Elliott's abusive step dad and wanting him to feel the pain that's haunted Elliott and ruined his life ever since.

Pixies – Head Carrier Lyrics 7 years ago
While Black Francis sings songs from a literal standpoint I also think he's been getting much more metaphorical lately. This song is no different. It details the story of St. Denis, a cepholaphore beheaded by pagans who was still able to walk with his head in hand preaching the word.

I see it as a direct metaphor to the bands current state. They feel especially after the lukewarm reviews of Indie Cindy and the departure of Kim deal that "they are going down the drain again." Yet they are still preaching rock and roll as they go out in style.

Radiohead – Karma Police Lyrics 8 years ago
I think this song is about government mind control. The people described aren't doing anything wrong, but the government and the police punish them saying it's only karma. Going along with the themes of the album I think the protagonist is making fun of this right before he gets mind controlled and forced into submission. I think it's hi final statement before he's dumbed down, and the menacing yet sweet feeling is powerful.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Tonight, Tonight Lyrics 8 years ago
Maybe I get this sense because of personal reasons, but this was me and my gf's song. We listened to it all the time. A few months ago she told me she didn't love me and felt like we didn't have a connection. I found out from her friends she hadn't been in love with me for a while and that she'd pretended cause she didn't have the guts to tell me. I think the song is about something like that. When someone you love so much takes a piece of you and you're never the same, and you and her are suddenly different. You just want her to believe in you as you believe in her tonight, but maybe it's more general because any broken relationship takes a piece of you. Tonight.

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