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Cake – Shadow Stabbing Lyrics 10 years ago
It's not about murder in general, it's suicide.
-"adjectives on the typewriter/he moves his words like a prize fighter/the frenzied pace of the mind inside the cell"
He's writing out his suicide note and passionately listing the reasons why he wants to die, probably listing wrong-doings of specific people and trying to hurt them with his words. He is absolutely set on suicide, feverishly typing out the note and not thinking about anything else.

-"the man on the street might just as well be/ outside, outside the world/ out there you don't hear the echos and calls"
This verse reiterates the fact that he feels isolated, as if he must be alone in the world. Any attempts he might have made to get people to notice his depression were ignored, thus leading to suicide. Maybe he even threatened suicide before, so this attempt is being ignored.

-"the steel eye/ tight jaw/ say it all"
You can easily picture the expression he wears; an emotion of pure decisiveness that he has made his decision to commit suicide.

-"white paint/ plastic saints/ say it all"
Obviously a reference to religion, specifically Catholicism. White paint sounds like a reference to a mental institution since the walls are usually a bare white. Perhaps he had attempted to get psychiatric help in the past without success.

-"somebody/ has got to say it all"
He feels like people need to know what he feels and what they did wrong to him.

-"I'm so nervous, I'm so tense/ my heart can't forget about this self-defense"
Humans naturally want to fight for survival when faced with death.

-"The air is so hot and my breath comes fast/ I thumb the cool blade, but I know this can't last"
He has a moment of insecurity with his decision as his instincts fight for survival, but because he is so set with the idea of suicide, he knows that feeling won't last.

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