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Dave Matthews Band – Lie in Our Graves Lyrics 11 years ago
I think you hit the nail on the proverbial head. He is quite the deep thinker always mentioning love and light and water; things that cleanse if you will. The space between is most poignant as well, although I haven't seen anyone's assessment as being correct yet. (of course I have not read them all) The concept of the space between is in my opinion the most important concept of all for all humans to embrace.

Dave Matthews Band – The Space Between Lyrics 11 years ago
The Space Between is not just a song with a meaning. It is a concept. The abridged version goes like this:

Without pain there is no joy. They support each other like night and day do. Like spouses do, like heat and cold do. Without the counterpart the other ceases to exist also.


If we lived on a planet with no water or moisture on it the word WET would not exist and therefore we would not have the word DRY either.

If I divorce you I am no longer a husband which stops you from being a wife.

The fresh cold spot on your sheet when you roll over is only cold because YOU are hot, not because it's actually cold. If you had hypothermia that sheet would warm you.

When do we miss school and our friends. In the summer. While in school we can't wait for summer.

Sex feels great right? But if you do it every hour of everyday it would get old and boring and not feel good anymore.

Chocolate cake is great unless you eat it for every meal.

It's the SPACE BETWEEN the sex, the cake, school, trips to vegas, that makes it so great. Without the space between, being Without, the not-ness, the absence of something, it loses it's value. That's why flowers are desirable and weeds not. You don't have to work and suffer for weeds so they don't have value to us. It's why we value gold and not aluminum. Aluminum is plentiful and gold not.
Does that make sense?

So I think what Dave is saying is value the space between the joy which is tears; embrace the pains of the "not-ness" accept the "Doing without" because without out 'the lows' the 'highs' cant cycle back into your life.

Its the space between that makes all of the great things in life great.

In my humble opinion.

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