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Portishead – Magic Doors Lyrics 12 years ago
I don't know why so many people say it has something to do with sexual orientation. Or maybe its just me, cause I'm not a native speaker so I might be just not getting smth.
Personally I always thought the song is about depression so deep that you have suicidal thoughts revolving in your head.

The first words are actually a perfect illustration for depression: "I can't deny what I've become, I'm just emotionally undone, I can't deny, I can't be someone else". When you're depressed, you only feel what a mess you are, unable to feel any other emotions. We all wear different masks and act in differnrt ways with different people, but you don't have enough emotional strength for that when you've got depression.

All the lines describe depressive feeling so well, and these words - "Try to resist my thoughts
But I can't lie" - for me it was like "I know that suicide is wrong but I can't lie to myself that there's something worth living for here". And after that "often I've dreamt that I don't wait,
enjoy the gift of my mistake" - suicide is wrong - a mistake - but she desires the death so much that dying is a pleasure.

Well, probably everyone just hears what they want to hear :)

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