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Brett Dennen – Song for Leaving Lyrics 11 years ago
This HAS to be one of my favorite Brett Dennen songs. He is my all time favorite artist and I could listen to his music all day. Its just so emotional and beautiful and I love everything about it. anywayyyy....
My first interpretation is I think this song is about someone who has to leave their loved ones. Weather its their partner or their family. And how sometimes when you leave it makes you appreciate people more. You realize how much you truly love them when you don't have them with you all the time.

My second interpretation is that there was a brake up and the person has to leave because everything remind them of their past lover. And that leaving is a "part of the healing." "Part of the healing" really makes me think that its about a brake up. because you need to heal after a break up usually. Its kind of a sad song but yet hopeful and beautiful.
This song also makes me think about kids leaving for college. Im leaving my family for a trip to Europe for three weeks this summer and it makes me think of how i have to leave them but ill be a more mature and experienced person when i come back.

Blind Pilot – Paint or Pollen Lyrics 11 years ago
The first verse i think he's talking about how musicians hear things. like how theres music in everything. The second verse i think he's talking about a person that was used and washed up pretty much and didn't have much to live for. I think that he's just saying how music can just heal someone. And how magical it truly is. Or maybe he's trying to heal someone with his music. Idk thats what i think.

Justin Timberlake – Mirrors Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is about Justin's grandfather that cheated on his wife. They were together for a really long time and when he did it, and the wife found out it kind of made them realize how they felt about each other. It tested their relationship. Even though it was a HARD TEST... The music video shows this. its obvious when you watch it. I also read an article where justin expresses this. I thought the song was bout Jessica but its saying that "I don't wanna lose you now" so that made me re think it. Thats why i think that this song is really sad but extremely lovely at the same time. It really shows the hurt kind of love that they have.

Bon Iver – Blood Bank Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is deffinitly about a woman that is in love with a man and they are going to get married and everything is going great, but then the woman has feelings for her fiance's brother. The fiance resembles his brother very clearly but there are things that the brother has that the fiance does not. that the woman is looking for.

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