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Ready for the World – Oh Sheila Lyrics 6 years ago
I love this song, surprised that more people don't know it. It's upbeat, and perfect turn up the volume kind of song when it comes on the car radio. Sounds just like Prince, from the vocals, to the beat, to the tune, right down to how the singer sounds like he's making love while singing it. I thought it was him for the longest time, but apparently it's by this group Ready for the World who contributed yet another great 80s song.

Alphaville – Forever Young Lyrics 7 years ago
This song is bittersweet and always reminds me of the way of life, especially when I look at pictures of actors from another generation when they were young. You look at them young, in all their beauty, but now they are all elderly, and many of them have passed away. It also makes me think of my generation, and how we are young now, but decades from now, we too will be old and pass on just like them. "Some are like water, some are heat, some are the melody, some are the beat. Sooner or later they all will be gone..." This line has deep meaning because we will all become old and die, some will die while they are still young, some will become old and their appearance will change. Regardless of how we lived our lives and what we did, who we are, it happens to us all. We have our moment, our time in the sun, and then it's gone. Such is the way of life.

Billy Idol – White Wedding Lyrics 8 years ago
Wow, I can't believe all the people who think its about incest. Really? Come on. As mentioned before, it's about his sister getting pregnant and then marrying the guy. He regrets that he wasn't there for her as a brother and he disapproves of her marriage and the fact that she's having a child at a younger age, NOT because he has an incestuous relationship and is jealous of the guy, but because he thinks the guy doesn't respect his sister and is only marrying her to save face and its not really a marriage of love, hence he the line "it's a nice day to start a dead end".

Phil Collins – In The Air Tonight Lyrics 8 years ago
The song is not about literally seeing someone drown, it's just a metaphor for the narrator expressing how he feels, that he has so much anger and resentment towards this person that he doesn't care what happens to said person. The anger the narrator feels is due to being betrayed by a person who was once close to him. There is a reason this song was used in a particular episode of Miami Vice, right after a particular event in the storyline occurred (Sonny's former partner turns out to be working with the drug cartel),because it perfectly portrays how it feels to be betrayed, and how it feels like a shock at first because the realization hits that a lot of the relationship with that person was just built on a pack of lies. After that wears off, comes the anger and a sense of wanting to get back at this person hence "I can feel it coming in the air tonight"...the song is calm at first then builds up as the emotions of narrator become stronger.

Hall and Oates – Rich Girl Lyrics 9 years ago
It's actually about a specific person. Daryl Hall had a girlfriend who had once dated a rich boy, whose father owned multiple fast-food restaurants. The behavior of the guy was typical spoiled brat type, he thought money could get him out of anything, always relied on daddy to bail him out of any trouble. They wrote the song about him, and it was supposed to be "you're a rich guy (or boy)", but then they substituted "rich girl" because they thought it sounded better with the melody of the song. They said that he knows who he is and he knows the song about him. Pretty cool, and it could fit a bunch of other rich kid types that turned out to be unsavory characters.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Disarm Lyrics 9 years ago
It is about Billy Corgan enduring abuse growing up. The feelings of anger, resentment, pain, and hurt he had towards the people who were supposed to love him caused him to contemplate killing them. This is what the line "killer in me is the killer in you" means. The way the treated him caused him to feel like killing them as a culmination of all the pain and hurt they caused him and the feeling of helplessness and like it was they only way out of his miserable situation. The song is about how he realized that violence was not the answer and killing his parents would solve nothing. He chose the far better path, and chose to express his painful emotions in a positive way (through music/poetry) instead. He therefore "disarmed them with a smile", because he reacted to it in such a way of resilience and courage, instead of breaking inside and committing murder. He chose the right path and escaped the situation, found a bit of solace instead of giving in to all the negative emotions/hurt/pain his parents caused, unlike some people in similar situations who choose the wrong path and actually kill their parents and just end up ruining their lives even further (Menendez brothers). It's a very sad, yet comforting song to listen to, especially if you have gone through abuse. It has a positive hopeful message.

Fuel – Shimmer Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Romantic_mi:2611] This is what I see in the song as well. It's a sad, but sweet song.He tries to hold on to her and the happiness he felt with her, but it slips away after she goes a separate way and leaves him. And now he's left all alone as all that was good in his life has faded away. He can't return to that place in the past, and all he has now is the memories, which bring far more pain than joy, because it's difficult to remember a time when you were happy and know you can never have that again in this life. The past becomes "too far away for him to hold", and begins to seem like a dream now that all he feels is despair. That's the way I see this song.

Fuel – Shimmer Lyrics 9 years ago
I agree that that I see the underlying sadness of the song, and it's not one of those songs that makes me happy. I find it to be about someone who broke his heart and how he was so happy in the past but he can never go back to that. "All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade away", meaning everything that's good fades away and never comes back. It's all fleeting. He tries to hang on that time, but it slips his grasp, and that's what the line "too far away for me to hold" means. He is left heartbroken and both the love of his life and his happiness are too far away for him to hold, and he has to let it all go. It's one of those songs that is really emotional and resonates deeply.

Steve Winwood – Higher Love Lyrics 9 years ago
I agree! I don't like to use the world "God", because it connotes a deity that demands worship, has an anthropomorphic personality, gets involved in people's lives, etc, that is connected with this world's organized religions. But the higher power out there that exists, I do not believe it is anything like that at all. It is not self-aware or has a personality, or feels emotion, it doesn't feel love, it IS love, it isn't conscious, it IS consciousness, and it's not out there, but inside all of us and everything that makes up the universe. It is indeed "down in the heart" AND "hidden in the stars above...because it is the very universe itself. I think the concept of the "Force", from Star Wars best describes is in everyone and everything...and in each life people get too caught up in the world they're in and in the insular, limited, parochial concepts of that world to realize the much bigger picture out there.

Pink Floyd – Learning to Fly Lyrics 9 years ago
I agree with this. I've always found this song to be about the soul's journey. "Earth-bound misfit" refers to this person who feels trapped here in this world in which he doesn't belong, longing to once again go back out into where he feels he's from, and finally, at the end of the song being able to do so as his life here is finished. The line "out of the corner of my watering eye" is a powerful one. It's as if he were flying above the planet seeing it from space knowing it will be the last time he will ever see it, and the tear shed is because of how splendid the planet looks from that far above, the way it would look to someone passing it by completely unaware what this world is like, all the ignorance here, and all the terrible things that have happened. He leaves it all the same way he arrived, and as he takes one last look he is moved by seeing the actual planet, the same way he would be moved by seeing anything in space (it's that feeling of how splendid the universe is, and the feel of that higher force).

Madonna – Like a Prayer Lyrics 10 years ago
I agree, it's absolutely ridiculous how much this song and its accompanying video have been misunderstood so much. It has so much more depth and meaning than that. It's clear that she finds a magnetic attraction to the saint (and I might add it is definitely no coincidence that he looks so much like the wrongly accused man), and that she feels deep romantic love for this man (hence the sensual kiss they share on the floor of the church), but it is not about a specific sexual act at all. It is, simply put, a song about being free through love, love for herself, and this man she is with. I'd also like to add that it deals with the issues of sexism, racism, and organized religion. In the end of the video, she frees the wrongly accused man from jail, signifying her empowerment as a woman, and also his freedom as a black man oppressed by a racist society. They have both broken their chains, and it celebrates finding that freedom from oppression, injustice, and subjugation and equates that feeling with having a great mystical experience. Her love for this man whom has suffered injustice and her feeling of empowerment, that she has freed both herself and him, and what they feel for each other is the essence of spirituality. I think it's a very powerful and symbolic scene that he kisses her on the church's floor, because she's saying that this is the closest that anyone can ever get to that higher power, because what they have together is so beautiful and real. The music video for this song is one of the best ever made, and it's really a pity that the meaning is lost on most.

Toto – Africa Lyrics 10 years ago
I don't understand how anyone can think it is about slavery or anything racist. If anything, it is actually a celebration of Africa, a place the narrator embraces, and feels drawn to. It's another clever song with a double meaning, the man is in love with a woman from Africa, but also there's a deeper spiritual connection to Africa, because that is where human beings originated from on this planet. He blesses the rains in Africa, because he sees the wonder of the place and although in the present, society now demarcates people into "races" based, he feels he is going back to his roots, and he is glad for it.

Toto – Africa Lyrics 10 years ago
I don't understand how anyone can think it is about slavery or anything racist. If anything, it is actually a celebration of Africa, a place the narrator embraces, and feels drawn to. It's another clever song with a double meaning, the man is in love with a woman from Africa, but also there's a deeper spiritual connection to Africa, because that is where human beings originated from on this planet. He blesses the rains in Africa, because he sees the wonder of the place and although in the present, society now demarcates people into "races" based, he feels he is going back to his roots, and he is glad for it.

Steve Winwood – Higher Love Lyrics 10 years ago
It's a song with a double meaning, one is about finding a person (romantic partner) who truly loves you and whom you really connect with. The other, larger meaning is that it is about higher power in the universe. I wouldn't say it is about God as in the Abrahamic god, or about any other deity in organized religions...but rather about some sort of abstract force, higher power, etc.

Madonna – Material Girl Lyrics 10 years ago
I see this song as being about a woman who only went for men with money, but then she becomes a big star and makes a lot of money herself and now a bunch of men are chasing after her mainly because she's rich and famous. It's basically saying that's how this world is, a lot of people are gold-diggers.

Great White – Save Your Love Lyrics 10 years ago
I always took it to mean to that she (his wife/romantic partner and soulmate) has passed away, and so the only place he sees her now is in his dreams, hence the line "Deep in a dream you'll always be, till the end of time". He also feels that she is the only one he will ever love, and so now he is alone for the rest of his life because no one could ever take her place. He thinks about her all the time, and when he wakes from his dreams, he imagines her next to him again, and feels deeply sad when he realizes she isn't. Whenever he's alone, she's all he sees. She's like an apparition that now haunts his dreams and memories, (haunts in a positive way, not in a bad way), the image at end of the music video portrays that very well. The woman is wearing a cape and a hood, and then as she turns and walks away she disappears. There's also a scene where her reflection is in the water, and when he puts his hand in the water, the reflection is gone. That is how the narrator sees her now...that she is always with him...but at the same time she isn't, because she's not in this world anymore. "Save all your love, save your love for me, don't turn your back on me..." basically means that he will never forget her, so he is telling her to never forget him wherever she has gone to, because he believes they will be together again and their love can never end, only go from one life to another.

When in Rome – The Promise Lyrics 10 years ago
I see it as a very lovely song, a song about true love. I think it also paints a picture of the evolving relationship of the man and the woman he's singing to. It starts out with him being inexplicably attracted to this woman. He spends his days pining for her, but he's a very shy person, so he has trouble approaching her and telling her how feels. He's afraid she won't see him the way he sees her.
The line "If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger, you know in the end, I'll always be there.", suggests that he is already friends with this woman, and wants to be more, but is too shy to tell her. This is what is meant by "I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say...I'll make you fall for me...he's already fallen for her, but now he just needs to make sure she feels the same.

Eventually, they do realize they are both in love with each other, and this is the part of the relationship where they are together and very happy, and wish things would stay like that forever. But then comes a stormy time in their lives. I believe that's what is meant by the line "Sometimes if I shout, it's not what's intended, these words just come out, with no cross to bear", this is where some people think it's negative, but I don't believe that is what's meant at all. The line that comes right before that is "When your day is through, and so is your temper, this implies that they are going through a more stressful time in their lives, and that when she comes home from work, she's so stressed out that she yells at him, and he yells back, but then regrets it because he never wants to hurt her feelings, even though she takes out her frustration and stress on him. It then goes back to the earlier lines of the songs, but now the words "I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say are a promise to her, just like they were in the beginning, basically that they are in it for the long haul and their love is strong and unbreakable.

His promise to her is that just like from when he first met her, he will always love her, even if she feels that her life is falling into shambles and that he feels her going apart from him, he still loves her deeply, and that promise is never broken.

Dire Straits – Money For Nothing Lyrics 10 years ago
The entire song is done to portray this electronics guy as an ignorant bigot, by showing his attitude towards the musicians he sees on MTV, whether they be members of a glam metal band, pop stars, or any rock band like Dire Straits themselves. This guy basically feels jealousy and resentment towards musicians because he's unsatisfied with his own life. By censoring the song, they misunderstood it completely, really missed the entire point.

Dire Straits – Money For Nothing Lyrics 10 years ago
It's about the hair/glam metal bands of the era. They were the ones with the big hair, the tight clothes, the makeup and the jewelry. They became a really big sensation during that era, and this blue collar guy who works at the electronics shop sees them on T.V. and envies their success because he believes what they do isn't a real job, while he has to work hard all day for low pay. I will never understand why it was censored though, as it is completely obvious the song isn't from the perspective of Mark Knopfler or the band, it's from the perspective of a character they created (or met/overheard) It's clear that they don't sympathize with that character and his words/feelings about musicians.

Johnny Cash – The Highwayman Lyrics 10 years ago
Completely agree. I remember the first time I heard this song. Then when Johnny Cash sings the last verse, it became clear that it's about reincarnation and evolving spiritually. The part where he says, "perhaps I may become a highwayman again", make it clear that they are all the same person, the same soul, experiencing different lives in different times, different places, etc.

Jennifer Lopez – Waiting For Tonight Lyrics 10 years ago
The song is about passion and love, not just sex. Sure, she wants to have sex with the guy she's singing about, but it's because they truly love each other, it's romantic and passionate and not just a casual meaningless carnal encounter. From the words, the song seems to be a lonely girl who perhaps always thought she was never "good enough" , never felt loved. "It's perfect, it's passion, it's setting me free, from all of my sadness, the tears that I've cried, I've spent all of my life waiting for tonight..." All her life, she's dreamed about having this kind of relationship, and now it finally happens and she feels like it's a dream come true, it's even better than she'd imagined, and freeing herself from her fears, her insecurities, her loneliness, etc. Very nice, upbeat song.

Matchbox Twenty – Push Lyrics 10 years ago
My take on it is that it's about a woman who has never had a loving relationship in her life. She was probably abused by her parents, and then grew up and got into relationships with guys that also abused her. As a result, she's become a completely untrusting and cynical person, and when she finally does find a man that really loves her and treats her with respect, she thinks it's too good to be true and he isn't being sincere, that he's deceiving her and will turn out to be just like all the rest. "Don't just stand there and say nice things to me" Her own experiences and insecurities cause her to turn the tables around and be abusive towards him, someone who obviously loves her and doesn't deserve the abuse, but she takes everything out on him. "I wanna push you around, I wanna take you for granted", she does these these things to him that were done to her. As a result of this, she finds herself in yet another bad relationship, but this time, for the first time in her life, it is her fault, as she's the abuser now but doesn't realize it.

John Waite – Missin You Lyrics 10 years ago
Beautiful song. The meaning is quite obvious. He truly loves this woman and can't live without her, but she's left him for whatever reasons. He spends every moment thinking about her, and everything reminds him of her. He wishes she knew how he really felt, "there's a message that I'm sending out, like a telegraph to your soul." She's breaking his heart and probably doesn't even realize it. He keeps saying "I ain't missing you at all", but he obviously knows that he's lying to himself (and that he clearly misses her a lot) but he tries to forget his heartache for a while just so that he can go on from day to day because the pain of being apart from her is just too much.

Don Henley – The Boys of Summer Lyrics 10 years ago
It's obviously about a guy who has an intense longing to back to a time when he was young and in love. It's clear that he adores this woman and she was the love of his life, and he can't move on because for him she was the one.

For her, however, it was clearly just a summer fling. The irony is that he talks about these "boys of summer", meaning all these guys that this woman had relationships with, and he actually believes that he is different, that he was the one for her, that their love was true, but for her of course it wasn't. For her, he was just one of those many "boys of summer", but he will never see it that way and will always believe what he had with her was different and special. There's also the context of the time in which their relationship took place, perhaps years before. In that sense, the longing is both for the love that was lost, and for the time in his life in which he was the happiest, but he can never go back to.

Lines like "the summer is out of reach" and "I'm driving by your house, but I know you're not home", reflect this very well. He drives by the house she lived in, but of course, she moved from there long ago. The summer is out of reach not because it is winter, but because that particular summer he remembers and longs to re-live is gone forever.

The lines such as "I can see you, your brown skin shining in the sun, you've got your hair combed back, your sunglasses on". He remembers how beautiful she looked, and that perfect image of her is forever etched in his memory. It is bittersweet, because it makes him happy again for a fleeting moment, but also makes him intensely sad because he will never see her again, and what they had is gone forever. In fact, he even says he sometimes wonders if it was all just a dream, that's how wonderful his memories of that summer was for him and how much he loves her.

Towards the end of the song, he talks about seeing a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac. This is probably what her car looked like, and of course it wasn't her and her car that he sees now, but everything reminds him of her. He realizes that he can never go back, and he should just let the memories go, because deep down he knows for her he was just a fling, but it's too difficult for him to ever move on, so he will just keep these memories with him forever, even though they cause an intense longing and nostalgia, and are sometimes too painful because he knows he can never go back and re-live it.

The Police – Every Breath You Take Lyrics 11 years ago
I agree. While the song isn't a happy love song, it's also not really about a creepy stalker or abusive relationship either. It's about a man who loves a woman so much that she becomes his everything and his reason for living. He basically worships the ground she walks on. He can't live without her. Now essentially there is nothing wrong with this on it's own, but the danger comes from when it becomes borderline obsession because he's always afraid of losing her somehow, afraid that she's leave him, afraid that she'll fall in love with another man, afraid that she'll die, etc. He becomes so afraid that he'll lose her, that he becomes his own prisoner, because his fear traps him where all he can really think about is keeping her. His own insecurities and fears turn it into something where he's not able to enjoy the moment anymore, he's always worrying about what if something bad happens. It then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and in the end he does indeed lose her, and basically everything because he himself unintentionally makes it happen because of the way he feels. It reminds me of Anakin's love for Padme (Star Wars fan, here lol). He was so afraid of losing her that in the end, the irony is that he made it happen. He lost her precisely because he was so afraid of losing her.

Sting – Fields of Gold Lyrics 11 years ago
It's about two young lovers, soulmates, it's also a very spiritual song. The man dies young, and many years later, as the woman nears her death, she goes back to the place where she was most happy in her life and remembers him. The title itself "Fields of Gold" means that their love was worth far more than gold, and walking in "fields of gold" means that they have something very special and glorious between them, their love is so deep that it transcends everything, including time, space, lives, etc.
The first stanza is going back in memory and remembering that time when she was happy with him. It describes falling in love and how exciting that feeling was. There, they swear that their love will be forever. A line I love is "we'll forget the sun in his jealous sky..." I've always taken this to mean that their time in that life is limited, that he will die a young man, and she will have to live many years without him. Forgetting the sun in the jealous sky talks about that cycle of day and night that is comparable to life and death. They are forgetting for a while that their moments together are limited and that the life they have together will end rather soon. For that while, they are just enjoying their time together, living in the moment and not thinking about anything else.
"Many years have passed..." she returns to that physical place where she was happy with him, but also she returns to the place in her mind. It has been a long time, so things have changed. She watches children (not her own, just children playing) near this place, and the sun is setting. Here again is the life/death cycle.
As for the west wind, it's like a trigger for her memory, that feeling ignites her memories again, and they are bittersweet, she remembers the happiness she felt for him, but there is also the pain of losing him. I've always thought of the last stanza as a switch of perspective. Whereas till that point, he was basically speaking to her telling her she will remember him, now she is speaking to him. "You can tell the sun in his jealous sky when we walked in fields of gold", meaning that because he's already passed away, he now sees the bigger picture and can tell that time cannot touch their love, for it transcends everything.

Jewel – Foolish Games Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree with you. The song is beautiful in that melancholy way, very deep and very powerful, I could listen to it over and over. I was also disappointed by the music video. I was expecting it to show the man who is the subject of the song in the video, especially the part where he stands in the rain. I also agree with you that this song is far far more than just a song about a selfish guy who is insensitive and uncaring. I never thought of him as being that way at all. I believe he does care about her, but does not really know how to show it and so the things he does get misintrepreted. This is a person who is hard to get to know and even harder to understand.

Therefore, being in a relationship with him causes suffering for both of them.
These two people have miscommunication in their relationship. The first line is essential to understanding the song and perhaps the most powerful of the lyrics in this song. "You took your coat off and stood in the're always crazy like that." This is to show that no one really seems to understand this person and why he does the things he does, but he does not seem to care about what people think about him.

"Always felt I was outside looking in on you". This is a person who is hard to get to know, and the narrator, the woman who is in love with him, loves him deeply and cares about him but finds him an enigma. He's the kind of person who has a wall around him and doesn't let anyone inside that wall. "Fashionably sensitive yet too cool to care," is another reference to the enigmatic and paradoxical nature of this man. He's not purposefully causing her pain because he enjoys playing games, but that's just the way she sees it from her perspective. You put it quite well when you said that they are both locked up in their own worlds. It is their personalties that are causing the miscommunication between them.

There are both men and women who are like this guy, and there are men and women who are like the narrator. Some people are willing to give everything and others are those mysterious and closed-off types the "still waters run deep". She is expressing how she feels to him, but he keeps everything inward keeps that iron gate around his heart and makes it appear to her that he is cold and uncaring, but in reality, it is a misunderstanding. And that's the irony and tragedy of it all. They are both good people, but the misunderstanding of each other's personalities causes both of them to suffer in their own ways because they are not able to communicate well with each other.

He talks about philosophical things and his sensitivity is perhaps what attracted her to him in the first place, but this man is not a social person, and so he will make a comment about the weather when you really want to have a heart-to-heart with him. This is a classic example of how the signals a person sends out to other people might not be the reality, and how one is perceived by others might not be how that person truly is. In this case, this man's introverted nature is mistaken for insensitivity and worse, the woman who loves him now thinks he's an uncaring jerk. Yet despite not understanding him, she remembers at the end what initially attracted her to him, and that's his personality, how different he is, and how difficult he is to understand.

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