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A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 14 years ago
Also, for those of you wondering, the "New World Order" metaphore is a reference to the "Age of Innocence" (old world) crumbling. The days of the "Brady Bunch" and "Leave it to Beaver" are over, and it's alot harder to remain "innocent" in a world were information travels fast and our children are growing up so quickly. We are in a modern age of enlightenment, a new renaissance reinforced with technology, making innocence ALOT harder to preserve.

Take into account all the things children can so easily become exposed to, or for you young adults, all the things you personally have been exposed to that your parents or parents parents may have remained oblivious to until years of maturity later.

A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 14 years ago
Most people think it's about a corrupt government lieing to people. It's not.

That's why APC made "counting bodies like sheep"... to show that they understand how it could be conveyed as a political song... but this is also why they made "counting bodies" a completely "different" song instead of titling it as a "remix". Although the lyrics are comparable, the messages of the two songs have two different contexts.

"Pet" is actually about protecting and preserving the innocence (of our youth and loved ones) by sheltering them from the ugliness of the world.

Pet was written most likely for his (Maynard's) son. It is most likely about the personal conflict he endured sheltering his son from (not only the danger, but the lifestyle associated with) his alter ego as a rock star.

One of the reasons Maynard seems sso frustrated with his fanbase in his interviews is due to the fact that even his most enlightened fans will grab straws at the first metaphore they hear and run with it. (IE: The song Judith DOES NOT try to relay an Anti-Religious theme. It is moreso a song of admiring the strength of faith even after enduring great hardship and tragedy. Specifically his Mother who was wheelchair bound for approximately 10,000 days and remained faithful to God even after enduring that hardship the rest of her earthly life.)

If you listen to the emotion of the instrumentals (and vocals) behind the song Pet, it is moreso about the mood swings (frustration, anger, patience, love, protection) of a parent going to great lengths to protect his/her child. Even the guitar emulates a crying child. The emotional twists in this song portray that innocence is fragile and can be broken at any time if a concerned parent, guardian, or loved one does not remain protective, attentive, and cautious.

If you listen to the emotion behind Counting Bodies, it is dark, as if these emotions depicted in Pet are actually being forced upon you against your will. This is why APC even went to the extent of releasing a music video to reinforce this message. To make it abundantly clear that Counting Bodies is about government tyranny.

Maynard stated in several interviews that the difference between APC and Tool was the emotional context of the two bands, therefore implying that beyond common metaphore, one must also embrace the emotion behind the song to grasp its true meaning.

A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 14 years ago
Most people think it's about the government lieing to people. It's not.

That's why APC made "counting bodies like sheep"... to show that they understand how it could be conveyed as a political song.. but this is also why they made "counting bodies" a completely "different" song instead of titling it as a "remix". the messages of the two songs, although similar in lyric, have two different contexts.

"Pet" is actually about protecting/preserving the innocence (of our youth) by sheltering them from the ugliness of the world.

Pet was written most likely for his son and the personal conflict he (Maynard) endured to protect and shelter his son from his rock star alter ego.

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