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of Montreal – Requiem for O.M.M.2 Lyrics 14 years ago
The first thing that struck me about the song was O.M.M. in the title, which i immediately recognized as OF MICE AND MEN, and looking at the lyrics, the song exactly follows the book. watch:
~"When I met you, I was just a kid, Hadn't built up my defenses" -George met Lenny as a kid, where he built up his emotional attachment and friendship with him
~"Vaseline over the lenses"- an allusion the the Vaseline glove perhaps?
~"Memories don't go away I remember every day" sung in a deep, dumb voice ,aka Lenny trying to convince George that he is not forgetful all the time, a conversation that happened in the book
~The song goes on to talk about the helplessness of George after the story goes to shit and George has to kill Lenny, conferred by the metaphor about the ship
~"It's such a burden to carry around, The vestiges of dead dreams, And I don't want to make a wake out of my life, I just have to let you go "- This final thing is really important and summarizes what the book is about: the denial of the dreams and ruining of plans, more specifically the American dream. George had to kill Lenny and afterward, stopped pursuing their dream of owning land.

The title OF MICE and MEN 2 Requiem means George is reflecting on the events of the book after the death of Lenny and is a song to commemorate Lenny.

The Flaming Lips – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1 Lyrics 14 years ago
OK so here's what I think, not that it matters, but oh well.

The song's about and independent woman's battle with PMS....yeah, I said it. Think about it, it all makes sense. The PINK (suggests feminine) robots are the PMS, and she has to defeat her own PMS by disciplining her body and taking vitamins [midol], for the narrator and everyone's sakes. Because, 'It'd be tragic if those evil robots win'. Everyone knows what women are like when those evil robots win!! Haha, but no seriously, it's not fun....

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