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Deftones – Cherry Waves Lyrics 14 years ago
The note he sings when he says 'suck' is almost otherworldly for me. Gives me a tingle up my spine every time.

Deftones – Korea Lyrics 14 years ago
I think he is saying 'Take the crown' not 'check the clouds'.

Deftones – Around the Fur Lyrics 14 years ago
To me, the first verse is comparing vanity, celebrity, fashion, populatity whatever you want to call it with a drug. The writer has been under the influence of this drug but the supply has now run dry (or at least he has stopped taking it), and he can see it for what it really is ('this phial's empty, so are you' 'this phial's not God anymore'). In a nutshell this symboilises how Chino has achieved the fame that he sought, but that he now understands that it is an empty and shallow way of life and is no longer interested in being a part of it.

The chorus seems fairly self explainatory - he doesn't know whether to do as everybody else does in order to gain popularity, or do what HE wants to do. He knows that he is uninterested in the shallow 'celebrity' aspects of fame and the people who abuse them, but still craves the poplularity he requires to share his music with the general populace ('I don't want it, I just want your eyes fixated on me'). It is possible that he is searching for another manner in which to become popular, away from the shallow Hollywood lifestyles.

'Coming back around the fur' is in reference to, once again, associating with the fur coat and diamonds wearing celebrities ('The Fur'), probably something he is not happy about doing, but needs to in order to promote this album.

The second verse seems to go a little off track, and seems to be suggesting that he wishes the unsavoury aspects of his past, or possibly the unsavoury aspects of 'what happens on the road' (the prostitute) would go away, or at least stay hidden, so that the people whom he genuinely cares about (presumably his wife, but maybe 'the fans' or other groups) will not find out about them ('because I love her'). These unsavoury aspects could also be untrue, the fabrications of the tabloid press.

That's what I think anyway, but its probably just bollocks.

Deftones – 7 Words Lyrics 14 years ago
I have EQd the hell out of this song and the line is certainly not 'I'm not here to preach, I'm just sick of thugs'. Not that I could tell you what he is actually saying, but it's definately not that!. My two best guesses are 'I'm just sick of race' or maybe 'I'm just sick on drugs'.

Dead Kennedys – Kepone Factory Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about the general culture of large organisations worldwide who make damaging products, who harm people/animals/environments with these products and then, after years of denying and in many cases continuing to make and release the products, will offer paltry 'compensation' to the victims (A Trans-Am that you'll never drive). When the victims, quite rightly, do not believe this compensates them fully, they are unable to find help through the courts or the governments, as the world is run by the type of large corporation who make these products, and if the governments were to attempt to prosecute the corporations, the corps woould undoubtably move to more 'sympathetic' countries, thus damaging the original country's economy, which damages property prices and the motor industry, which as we all know is far more important than the well-being of its people.
The main subject matter of the song is the pestacide Kepone (as described above by Riot), but the town of Minamata is mentioned in the choruses - Minamata is a town in Japan which saw the first outbreaks of Minamata disease (or Dancing Cat Syndrome) caused by the flooding of Minimata's bay with poisonous Methyl Mercury by the Chisso Chemical Corporation. This methyl mercury was a by-product of the substance Acetaldehyde made in their nearby factory. The mercury was absorbed into the sea creatures and fish in the bay, and was then passed on to the people of Minamata through the food they ate (their main source of food was local seafood). This poisoning went on for nearly 40 years, during which time many people died and many others were left mutilated and disabled. When the source of the poisoning was determined as the Chisso factory, Chisso initially denied the allegations, then said that they were now filtering the waste water and that the mercury was no longer being washed into the bay. This was completely untrue - Chisso built a new outlet into the river, downstream from where the amount of mercury was being monitored - the monitors showed no mercury in the water coming from the OLD outlet, but just as much was being pumped into the bay. The government of Japan ignored this for a massive 17 years after the first cases of Minamata disease - 12 years after it was recognised and 37 years after the factory initially started dumping the product, and the government of Kumamoto prefecture took no action even after it had conducted a test on the hair of people living near the sea and found abnormally high levels of mercury. 1800 people have died as a direct result of this disease, 2300 have been identified as victims, along with many more who undoubably were never diagnosed (in the early days of the disease there was a lot of stigma attached to it) and even now people are having a lot of trouble getting meager amounts of 'compensation' for what has ruined their lives and the lives of countlesss generations to come (the disease also has congenital effects). Sorry about the rant...

Turning people into Bonsai trees.....

Dead Kennedys – Buzzbomb From Pasadena Lyrics 14 years ago
The best bit of this song is the end part where the 'old woman' screams 'Let go of me motherfucker! I wanna live by MY rules!' ha class.

Dead Kennedys – A Child and His Lawnmower Lyrics 14 years ago
The first part of the song is simply stating an occurance, albeit with distain. Here Jello is giving us an example of the sheer idiocy he is about to comment on.
The second part is the commentary - 'Y'know, some people "don't take no shit". Maybe if they did, they'd have half a brain left' is basically saying that the people tend to go around proclaiming that they wont take any shit from anyone are the types of idiots who shoot lawnmowers - maybe if they DID take some shit now and again, and actually think for five seconds instead of blowing off the handle and shouting/fighting/shooting something, they may just think long enough to stop them being a COMPLETE FUCKING MORON.

Dead Kennedys – I Fought The Law Lyrics 14 years ago
Dan White initially resigned his position as he was unhappy with the progressive and liberal city politics in SF, and the appointment of a police chief who was open to homosexuals in the force (Dan White was an ex policeman, and actually left the force soon after he had stopped another officer from beating up a handcuffed black prisoner), and also to concentrate on running a restaurant. When it transipred the restaurant was failing, white asked for his seat back. As White was so opposed to the progressive politics championed by SF City Supervisor Harvey Milk and favoured by Mayor George Moscone, White was denied the re-appointment he requested. The following day, after dodging City Hall's metal detectors by climbing through a window, White shot and killed Moscone and Milk (George and Harvey).
After White's trial and lenient sentence, the largely gay community of the Castro district in SF took to the streets in protest. Initially peaceful, the protest soon became aggressive, possibly due to attacks by police who had covered their badge numbers to avoid identification and attacked members of the protest and staged unnoficial raids in known gay bars throughout the district. When the crowd of approximately 5000 reached City Hall, police and security workers were initially unsure of how to react, not expecting the largely gay crowd to retaliate with force, and protest leaders including several of Harvey Milk's friends attempted to calm and hold back the crowd. Once the police had regained composure, these members were attacked by police with truncheons and night sticks despite clearly attempting to disperse the crowd. Further violence broke out on both sides. Acting mayor Dianne Feinstein (whom Jello Biafra ran against in the '79 SF mayoral elections) addressed the crowd and was hit by a flying object. Several police cars were destroyed, as well as many injuries on both sides, dozens of arrests and allegations against the police, and damage to the City Hall building. In the aftermath there were several 'retaliation attacks' by the police force in the gay districts of SF, again concealing their badge numbers.
After serving 5 years of his 7 year sentence White returned to San Fransisco, despite a public appeal by Mayor Feinstein asking him not to, and attempted to rekindle his marriage, which swiftly fell apart. Soon after this, Dan White commited suicide, using a garden hose to breathe the carbon monoxide exhaust fumes from his car. The song 'The Town I Loved So Much' by Paddy Reilly was playing on the car's tape deck.
Dan White apparently expressed deep remorse for his crimes several times. However, police officer Fank Falzon claims that White told him in 1984 that he planned to kill supervisor Carol Silver and California assemblyman Willy Lewis Brown as well as George and Harvey.

Dead Kennedys – Chicken Farm Lyrics 14 years ago
The 'Chicken Farm' in this song has elements of the Khymer Rouge's Killing Fields in Cambodia (also alluded to in holiday in cambodia) and other regimes in Vietnam and parts of Laos that became established in the devestation left in the area after the Vietnam war.
I think a point these lyrics are trying to make is not simply that 'immigrants come to america and america is hostile towards them, even though america had a hand in causing the problems that led them here', but also that Americans (or any western 'culture') are too thick to understand these events and this chain, and simply resort to violence and hostility when faced with cultures they do not understand (because they 'dont want no gooks or blacks or injuns or spics or anybody except W.A.S.Ps in *their* country. Native Ameri-whats?)

Dead Kennedys – Soup Is Good Food Lyrics 14 years ago
The main part of the song is just stating how bad the system is, that you can be fired, wiped from the system and 'swept under the rug', and institutionalised when you decide that this is wrong and you arent willing to take any more of it, all in the name of profit and 'efficiency'. Then the song takes a bit of an surreal twist, with the 'surplus rats' and the people joking about how much you want to die around the water cooler. Why does Biafra start going on about rats? Beacuse the rats are you - the working man. The people orhestrating all this and laughing about how you would like to die are the 'gods' - the bosses, managers, politicians, those in power who will use you up and wear you out like you were a lab rat.
I agree with the Soylent Green reference as well, - 'Soup is good food' takes on a sinister twist if you think that the ground up 'human rodents' becoming the soup for the recently unemployed person, at the other end of this horrible slope. And so the circle is complete!

Dead Kennedys – Bleed For Me Lyrics 14 years ago
In the recording I have Jello says 'when Mrs Carter comes to town, she comes to check on human rights. We herd to our favorite spot [and get her] infectious smile for the camera...' instead of Cowboy Ronnie etc etc. also it says 'san antonio' instead of fort bragg.
It is also a live version where Jello says in the intro:
'Lets go on a trip with mum and dad in the car, down to scenic Argentina. One wrong move and away you go. They'll melt you, burn you, shoot you, bury you for opening your mouth, and they learned it all from the United States Marines. There's no Punk Rock in Argentina. Theres no Punk Rock in Afghanistan, Russia, Czekoslovakia, Iran, Nebraska. If you dont keep your eyes open there wont be anything like that here either. You'll be forced to buy, by skinny tie wearing [..?..] and pop fans. [Oh how] rock n' roll. You'll do it'.
This is on my copy of the plastic surgery/in god double album. Is this on all these albums or do I have some kind of rarity???

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