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Rush – Anthem Lyrics 9 months ago
I do think there is too much of a victim mentality these days, people giving up and demanding their "fair share" without putting in the type of individual effort that merits such a reward, so I'm okay with a little "leaning into" the Ayn Randian libertarianism of a song like Anthem despite my lifelong liberal leanings. And that's saying nothing of the current cancel culture and absurdity of labeling things like hard work and discipline as "white supremacist" ideals. In many ways, technology and social media have made us a collection of weak, petty, histrionic and narcissistic people. We are in dire need of a little of that compassionate toughness and individualism that Rush advocate for in Anthem.

Having said that. Evolutionary biology and psychology will tell you there is no such thing as a "blank slate" when it comes to individual human beings. I will never be Steven Hawking or Lebron James no matter how hard I try or want it. So, "Know your place in life is where you want to be" doesn't ring completely true to me and frankly isn't a fair sentiment to people who have been born into deleterious circumstances or have otherwise experienced harms and setbacks beyond their control (disease, abuse, disasters, injustice, etc.).

I just think it's important to realize a balance is needed between that pure human liberty/individual responsibility (no one to blame but yourself) and compassion for others when that clearly isn't always true. I think Neil and Rush understood that, especially as they matured in their later years. They held onto that spirit of individualism while expressing the importance of "looking out for the little guy." I believe Neil's exact quote was that he was a "bleeding heart Libertarian." That's a sentiment I can get behind.

Anyhow, great song. Rush, in general, are such a tremendous band that will always hold a cherished place in my heart. R.I.P. Professor.

Pearl Jam – Sleight of Hand Lyrics 9 years ago
He means that he gets a glimpse of his old "true" self again (before he fell into the mundanity of the corporate/ratrace lifestyle), and rather than choosing to change his course, he instead chooses to wave goodbye to his dreams and kick them down the road until a later time, either because they are seemingly currently impossible (for instance, guys who are supporting wives/children) or because he merely lacks the werewithal to change his circumstances. Or maybe a bit of both.

Pearl Jam – Sleight of Hand Lyrics 9 years ago
Lol. Those are two of my favorite PJ songs.

I'm in my mid-30s now and Sleight of Hand resonates more now than ever. I even sit in the driveway listening to it instead of heading into the house. :)

Pearl Jam – Sleight of Hand Lyrics 9 years ago
Lol. Those are two of my favorite PJ songs.

I'm in my mid-30s now and Sleight of Hand resonates more now than ever. I even sit in the driveway listening to it instead of heading into the house. :)

The Goo Goo Dolls – Naked Lyrics 9 years ago
I'm from Buffalo and I remember the lead up to this album. You nailed it in your post. It's about them never getting noticed for the quality music they had made up to that point. The frustration is all over this album (their best by a wide margin imo). John even discussed consciously selling out from that point forward in order to make a living. Worked out for the band but not their original fans.

Gerry Rafferty – Night Owl Lyrics 9 years ago
I've only recently discovered Gerry's music. What a great songwriter this guy was.

Night Owl's pretty self-explanatory. Very depressing song. Especially if you listen to it after a song like Right Down the Line, an optimistic tune that was recorded only a year or two before Night Owl. Becomes pretty apparent that this is a guy who isn't winning his battle and his "dreams" are anything but.

Arcade Fire – Afterlife Lyrics 10 years ago
Up there with Tunnels as my favorite songs in their catalog.

Makes me think of a married couple who are still together after the love they once had is extinguished. They are living together in the afterlife of love. Lost in Limbo. The two subjects seem to be taking different approaches to rectifying the situation. The man is forceful and desperate in his attempts to save/rekindle their connection (scream, shout, work it out, etc.) - a typical male response in that he feels immediate action is required to "fix" the situation. The female approaches it more introspectively ("when love is gone, where does it go?"). I love how the music builds to sort of an emotional maelstrom when the sax comes in only to taper off, evoking a sense of space/emptiness at the end, signalling that there is no clear resolution between the parties. All that pulling and tugging was for naught.

Arcade Fire – Porno Lyrics 10 years ago
Seems he's generally railing against the objectification of women, while doing the same to her as well. He tries to set the others apart - "little boys at the porno" - but at the same time he is attempting to subject her to his demands "take off your makeup", "you can scream, I won't go," etc. He even admits as much - "I know I've hurt you", "feel like something's wrong with me," etc. In his own way he is trying to remake her. Control her. He's not seeing and accepting her for who she is, but projecting his subjective ideal woman on her.

Arcade Fire – Afterlife Lyrics 10 years ago
I actually feel its about the lack or extermination of love in an existing relationship. "It's just an afterlife, with you.". They are still together but the love is lost.

Low – Sunflower Lyrics 10 years ago
Wow. I just love this song.

I picture soulmates, maybe an elderly married couple ("100 years"), and the surviving member's despair after the passing of his other half. Her life/presence was a beautiful thing to him (sunflowers) and now she is dead and that beauty just disappears into darkness. In despair, he follows suit and gives his life/love/hope to the night as well (an actual or metaphorical death?).

I love the imagery of ransom. Two people held hostage by each other and the ransom is only paid when they release one another in the act of their own death. Brilliant!!!

Radiohead – Let Down Lyrics 11 years ago
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them...[b]ut it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.”
- Henry David Thoreau

"Let Down" is our everyman's cry out in response to this existential dread. It's cathartic, but ultimately hysterical and useless, and we are left feeling let down again after the emotional release.

Speaking for myself, while the song may seem hopeless or nihilistic at first blush, upon rumination I find it quite uplifting. There is beauty in our suffering (wonderfully conveyed in the melody) in that it is something we share in together.

Passion Pit – Take a Walk Lyrics 11 years ago
This interpretation is clearly correct.

Iron & Wine – Flightless Bird, American Mouth Lyrics 16 years ago
IMO, there are dual, yet similar, themes running through this song: (1) an individual's loss of innocence/idealism; and (2) the degradation/dissolution of the mythical "American" dream.

The first verse sets our protagonist as an innocent child (quick, wet, diving too deep) - newly born, baptized, full of energy/enthusiasm, carefree. We get a glimpse of what's to come through the "blind" eyes of the adult world whom the child can already see seem focused on material things ("plastic toys"). The "cops" (his own adulthood) crash the party and he's forced to grow up and give up his pure youthful enjoyment of life (cut his baby hair). Thus, he begins his quest to find his meaning/life in this adult American landscape. For me, it also brings to mind the end of the idealism of the peace/protest movement of the late 60's...the system crushes the uprising...the hippies cut their hair...and wander off...going on to what?

Well, the second verse tells us exactly where our protagonist's journey has landed him...a big fat safe spot with the adults of his youth. He's achieved the "American Dream", or has he? Now all talk and no action. He curses himself and the wrong/injustice he sees around him, yet he idly sits and watches these "poison rats" (the establishment, big business, corrupt government) slither by and destroy his ideal world. He bides his time in his magazines, finding pleasure in viewing some advertisement of folks fishing in some idyllic river. He is not out there himself, but even if he was, he would be merely pillaging/ruining/sacrificing a place of nature ("blood of christ mountain stream").

It's a really depressing song, but it's certainly beautiful.

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