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Pink Floyd – On the Turning Away Lyrics 16 years ago
I love Pink Floyd. I especially love to start my day listening to Floyd on the way to work. I had a profound experience on my way to work today. I routinely see transient people holding signs asking for this and that. I enjoy helping by handing out what I call a peanut butter kit. This “kit” contains one or two loafs of bread, a big jar of peanut butter, and some plastic (sturdy so that they can be reused) utensils. I especially feel for those who have dogs with them. I personally know just how important companionship is. I know how important and vital it can be to have a dog by your side, to be there for you and help you survive those hard times in life. I often see these people who put clothes on their dogs in the winter to help keep them warm. I feel most for these people because they have chosen not to wear the clothes themselves but to keep their dog warm. Self sacrifice in the face of overwhelming hardship. Today I happened to be listening to “On the Turning Away” and I came upon a man with his dog. The man was holding a sign and it said, “Traveling, will you help us eat today, God Bless”. Yes, I helped this man and I asked him to make sure he takes care of his dog. The expression on this gentleman’s face let me know that he truly loves his dog and that he couldn’t live without it’s companionship.
What happened next is the profound aspect of this experience. When I pulled up to the intersection the song had just entered the instrumental break. As you are aware, the break decrescendos into silence and then comes back to life and power with the lyrics. The best way to illustrate this is to compare it to a scene in a movie where the music will taper off to accent the dialog and then return with power. As I rolled up the windows and drove through the intersection the lyrics returned. As you know the lyrics sung at this point are:
“No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?” (David Gilmour)
Think what you will but I feel that this happened for a reason. God put me here with this man, his dog, and this song at that exact moment. Please understand that I am writing this not for the vanity for helping this man but simply to illustrate the power in helping in whatever way you can, the power of these lyrics, and a call to arms. I hope that everyone who reads this will find ways to help. You might have seen the commercials stating that kindness is contagious, well it truly is. If we all help each other we can make this world a better place. Please help others in need. Listen to the lyrics but also take them to heart.

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