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Fall Out Boy – Bang the Doldrums Lyrics 17 years ago

I pretty much agree with suchaxsucker on everything.
The part where Pete talks/screams is amazing. and if the Yo-ho-HO, whoa-oh-oh-oh part reminded you of pirates, it was supposed to. The Doldrums are a wind system and a sailor-ish term... but like, bang the drums, yeah. Kind of one of those jokes where people don't laugh, they just go "aaaauuugggh." but i felt pretty smart for figuring it out.

Fall Out Boy – The Carpal Tunnel of Love Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is really obvious.

I love the "got postcards from myself" line.
To me it means like, "if the old me saw the new me, he'd hate me." but with a weird confusing twist if you really think about it.

And for the record (bahaha) i just want to say that Pete can seriously scream. He doesn't get to so much on this album but TTTYG had alot of back-up screaming that really fleshed out some of the lines. So without a doubt, my favorite part of this song is:

It was ice cream headaches and sweet avalanche
When the pearls in our shells came out to dance
You call me a bad tipper of the cradle
[bad tipper, cradle robbing/tipper...]
But I’m tired yawns for fawns on hunter’s lawns
[it gets boring just waiting to kill a "fawn" that's just been planted right in your "front yard," whose only purpose is to get "shot". haha something like that.]
We’re the has-beens of husbands
Sharpening the knives of young wives
Take two[pills] years and call me when you're better
[doctor-ish phrase....]
Take teardrops of mine, find yourself wetter

Amazing. The end.

Fall Out Boy – The (After) Life of the Party Lyrics 17 years ago
oh and by the way, does anyone remember pete saying something along the lines of "i'm the (after)life of the party" in his blog like 2 years ago? Hahaha I just remembered that.

Fall Out Boy – The (After) Life of the Party Lyrics 17 years ago
Once again, FOB wants to sound bigger and more epic, and they pull it off with ease. The back up vocals in the chorus are amazing.

Oh, put love on hold
Young Hollywood is on the other line
[too busy for the important people in his life.]
And nose runs ruby red
[bloody nose from altitude? metaphor? yup.]
Yeah, I sit on a double bed
[hotel room....]

Cause I the way I feel,
it kills on the mouths of all my friends
[it makes me think that he writes alot of lines and says alot of things not thinking about how the people who are close to him will take it. so when they ask about it, it "kills"]

Fall Out Boy – Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah, I think alot of the songs on the album seem to say like, "hey, w'ere doing this for you guys. love it or leave it." This song doesn't really stand out to me that much. i like the words and the meaning alot, but it just kind of sounds like something off of FUCT but a littler pop-ier with The Matches thrown in. But don't get me wrong, its still great.

Fall Out Boy – Thnks fr th Mmrs Lyrics 17 years ago
and *better put your fingers back to the keys*

But anyway, this song seriously screams HeyChris vs. Pete.

Who does he think he is?
Is that the worst you’ve got?

Totally Pete calling him out.
Aaah, I wonder if there's any hidden meanings about Morrisey posters and taking pictures of yourself. =]

Fall Out Boy – Thnks fr th Mmrs Lyrics 17 years ago
I’m a ??? away
From getting you into mood*

Fall Out Boy – Golden Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, i love the song. it seems like it would have been more of a b-side but i'm glad it made the cut. I can't listen to it everytime, like when I'm in my car belting out every word, but given the right timing this song blows me away.

i think the religion aspect of the song is more of a metaphor of finding meaning in something. Maybe not necessarily God, but bigger meaning in life and being the person you are.

And I saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
[maybe realizing that things your enemies say might have some meaning behind them, and they could be right.]

does anybody else get chills when the back-up "aaah--aaah--aaah--ahhh"s come in? Holy hell.

Fall Out Boy – Hum Hallelujah Lyrics 17 years ago
Whoa... and I just remember that the boardies were talking about a Best Buy reference in this song and obviously the OD'ing is it.

Fall Out Boy – Hum Hallelujah Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is probably one of my favorites on the new album. I haven't been able to pick one yet, but this is one up there pretty high.

"...who knows someone..."
sounds kind of like he's saying he wants to fit in with all the famous people he gets stuck around. most likely sarcastic, of course.

and then "the road outside my house..."
is like, he means well but can't pull it off so he's asking for help.

and then "Hum Hallelujah" makes me think of humming a song to get yourself through the day. " I thought I loved you..." is him realizing he took his love/problems a bit too seriously. So it was kind of teenager-ish of him. Since we're all so caught-up and full of drama...haha.

My words are my fate to hell
With a good name
[his lyrics get him into trouble alot...]
Remix of your guts,
Your insides x-rayed
[but he knows you secretly love it.]

I love you in the same way
There's a chapel in a hospital
[a little sanctuary of good in a place that sucks...]
One foot in your bedroom
And one foot out the door
[half of him is with her and half of him is gone. haha duh.]

And I never really thought of the O'Ding thing until I read that, but it makes perfect sense really. Listening to it now makes the part with the choir seem so...epic. It seems like another song from FOB telling you to keep your chin up. I love it.

Fall Out Boy – I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me and You) Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah, definently about her.
It seems sort of regretful too.
I think its like:

Last year’s wishes [ttyg/fuct lyrics]
Are this year’s apologies [he feels bad now]


I only keep myself this sick in the head
cause I know how the words get to you
[he only puts up with her and writes about her because she likes to brag about being "another line in a song"]

Collect the bad habits
["come back to bed habits" is what i hear. maybe not, but it does sound pretty clever.]
That you couldn’t bear to keep
Out of the woods but I love
[like "we're not out of the woods yet...."]


with eyes the size of baby worlds
[eyes like small planets, he talks about how big her eyes are alot.]

maybe this song isn't as "strong" as the rest, since the chorus is repeated like a thousand times, but its still catchy as hell and i love the "Wrists in tact" part. I totally agree with wendyclear on that one.

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