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The Decemberists – Calamity Song Lyrics 13 years ago
The year of the chewable ambien tab is probably an allusion to David Foster Wallace's infinite jest, where years are named after products (most of the book takes place in the year of he depend adult undergarment). I feel like that's too similar to be coincidence.

Wolf Parade – Call It a Ritual Lyrics 16 years ago
I love that war interpretation. I never thought of it like that. Taking it that way, it's also interesting that a windmill is a source of alternate energy and people call Iraq a "war for oil."

Wolf Parade – Call It a Ritual Lyrics 16 years ago
I love that war interpretation. I never thought of it like that. Taking it that way, it's also interesting that a windmill is a source of alternate energy and people call Iraq a "war for oil."

Pinback – Good to Sea Lyrics 16 years ago
Spomo basically summarized everything I said in his last sentence by the way.

Pinback – Good to Sea Lyrics 16 years ago
Stanza 1- There's a problem that's not too big of a deal yet, but it is "teeming." This could represent anything addiction, relationship problems, whatever.

Stanza 2- He realizes he needs to pay attention to the problem

Stanza 3- He thinks it's too much stress to watch the problem, and he's better off not worrying about it. It doesn't seem like it's a big enough problem to stress about.

Stanza 4 and 5- Just sya how ridiculous that mentality is. They are saying that though avoiding our problems give us tmeporary relief, they just allow the problems to fester and grow.

I love how casual the rock bottom part is. I'm imagining a person who has completely ignored all of his problems for so long just coming to some casual realazation that he "hit rock bottom." It's lamost funny in a way.

Pinback – Devil You Know Lyrics 16 years ago
That prison idea is really interesting, but I think I interpret this a bit differently. First of all, I think the song is showing the progression of a person's life. It demonstrates how he moves from a natural and "human" lifestyle to a more corporate lifestyle "links to the banks" which interferes with the narrators personal concerns and back to a more natural and personable one "laying by the docks so undisturbed."

The first stanza introduces this story by saying the narrator has been "away." One can infer from the line "tears from the trees fall on sullen lives," that the narrator has moved away from his natural lifestyle to one that has become sullen. However, the next two lines show that he is now renouncing that lifestyle. The wake of a "plastic mind" can be interpreted as a figurative funeral of his materialistic lifestyle in favor of the love found in a more natural lifestyle filled with human relations.

The next stanza refers to his corporate lifestyle as the devil because of how it affects his relationship "I can't see you." He then decides to "split the difference" between the two lifestyles.

He then elaborates on how because of his "undeveloped" or naive mind he was led into a materialistic and corporate lifestyle. He refers to this as a "stain."

The "Bang" represents a turning point in the story.

The next stanza sounds like a plea to a loved one who was perhaps unsympathetic to the narrators selfish and materialistic lifestyle.

The next stanza represents a return to a more human lifestyle. Interestingly, here falling leaves are represented in a more beautiful yet melancholic way, whereas in the first stanza falling leaves seem to be represented a "tears." Very different imagery, which displays the contrast between lifestyles. Also, the narrator says that he hopes it is this lifestyle that remains-- perhaps as a memory?

The next line seems to be just embracing death as the next step after life. I'm not sure about the rest.

Just my wordy and ridiculous opinion.

The Scene Aesthetic – Beauty In The Breakdown Lyrics 18 years ago
i hate this song. And I really like how they stole the title from the song let go by frou frou.

Oh and "Groovin" you're a moron. I hope you know that. Seriously, I think that is the most pointless mess of words to ever be passed off as a sentence that I have ever read. You and all of your idiotic opinions are useless.

Bloc Party – Like Eating Glass Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about poverty or living in really terrible conditions, and the second stanza is talking to the government saying how they're unresponsive and don't really care about the poor. Or maybe it could be talking to god? Like he doesn't return his calls meaning he doesn't listen to his prayers and just lets him suffer. Maybe I dunno I don't want to seem too confident or megsbee will yell at me

The Shins – When I Goose-Step Lyrics 18 years ago
A goosestep is like how Nazis march. I really have no idea about what the song means or if that fits in at all though.

A.C. Newman – Better Than Most Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. I think it's about a relationship.. vaguely at least. The lyrics seem a lot more coherent than New Pornographers lyrics, which usually have no meaning at all.

Metric – Grow Up and Blow Away Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. I agree with jtucker, Emily's lyrics are what make metric really stand out. I can hear one of their songs and love it, but then after listening to the lyrics more it's so much better and so much more personal.

But anyway, I think this song is about getting older and giving up on your dreams to follow a more traditional easy lifestyle.

"nobody knows which street to take
he took the easy way
what was the easy way"

That part reminds me of that 'two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by' poem. Except I think this is saying the oposite.

And then I think the blue to grey part is just saying how life looks like it has so many opportunities but then when you give up on your dreams and settle for something else it becomes bland and grey. Yeah I guess that's it.

System of a Down – Holy Mountains Lyrics 18 years ago
Umm evidence provided by the turkish government? yeah, that's not going to be biased AT ALL. And I'm pretty sure the rest of that was totally unnessesary, way to make yourself look like a moron.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
haha ohh so now youre computer animated.. interesting. And if you're on so many steroids how much can you bench press like 10 pounds?

System of a Down – Holy Mountains Lyrics 18 years ago
youre the one who pulled that crap about the armenian and turkish presidents out of your ass, I'd really like to see you show me some evidence of that.

The armenian genocide happened, millions of people were killed there are witnesses and evidence and there's a near concensus on that among EDUCATED people. What I was doing was drawing a comparison to what you said to historical revisionism regarding the holocaust. Moron.

System of a Down – Holy Mountains Lyrics 18 years ago
youre the one who pulled that crap about the armenian and turkish presidents out of your ass, I'd really like to see you show me some evidence of that.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
hahahahaha yeah right. youre probably some scrawny little 8th grader and im probably way stronger than you

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
"city wok guy" you're a moron. Yeah green day sucks, but just because they wear mascara and because you can "beat the shit out of them" (and seeing as how your probably like 12 im guessing you couldnt) doesn't make them "gay."

System of a Down – Holy Mountains Lyrics 18 years ago
haha you're right "Sensible"!!! Genocide is funny! There's this other obscure historical event I think you'd find funny too, it's called "The Holocaust". There's a ton of books about it, definitely check some out. Funny Shit right there!!

God they should make a fucking saturday night live sketch about this genocide stuff! It's pretty hillarious!!

Metric – Succexy Lyrics 18 years ago
Metric is so good. I just got this CD because Emily Haines is amazing on 'anthems for a 17 year old girl'. I didn;t expect it to have such great lyrics. But yeah I think it's about how everyone is so passive towards war and such, something like that.

Metric – IOU Lyrics 18 years ago
wow everyhing about this song is great. Emily Haines is amazing, and not to mention reeeeeaaaly hot haha.

The New Pornographers – It's Only Divine Right Lyrics 18 years ago
Yeah, Carl Newman said it was about Bush. Here's the link to the interview:

I don't really get that from the lyrics though, but whatever.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh and I think there is one thing we can agree on... this song is total crap, and doesn't represent the views of an atheist as much as the views of someone who should be incarcerated... immediately. Honestly, it is garbage like this that make me with people weren't allowed to have opinions.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Ok, now I will respond to you chocolate. I'm not really sure how many of your posts were directed towards me but I'm not going to try to argue with the evolution/creation ones, because honestly I don't care. I think I'd consider myself agnostic, and I don't believe it matters how I got here, or why I'm here. What I think is important is living my life by my standards of good and bad not by what the bible or any other holy book says (although I'm sure my beliefs and the what is written in the Bible or Qur’an or whatever coincide most of the time).

Ok, now to my inability to judge right from wrong. I don’t know or care what Nietzche thinks or what makes sense on an evolutionary level. What I do know is I think killing is wrong, so I don’t kill. I think rape is wrong so I don’t rape. I think stealing is wrong so I don’t steal. I try to do what I believe is right just like Christians are taught to do.

“You have no possible moral high ground to stand on, because you have no source for moral values.”

That was your original statement. You said atheists had no source for moral values because of their religious beliefs and now you are contradicting yourself COMPLETELY when you say:

“you don't need to read the bible to know right from wrong so you're attacking a straw man”

I’m not attacking a “straw man” I’m attacking a FLIP FLOPPER.

Ok, next:

“but apparently evolution is oh so factually correct, just like your christians have killed more people than atheists statistics.”

I NEVER said evolution was factually correct, and I NEVER gave any statistics about Christians killing more people than atheists. I simply doubted the factuality of yours and requested you back them up.

I should rephrase my “atheists never convert people” statement. It was stupid. What I was trying to say, but didn’t, was that Christians try to convert people too. I think atheists, Christians, and all other religious groups are the same way. Everyone thinks they are right and they want to try to “enlighten” those who disagree with them. So it is not just atheists.

The paragraph about you being called gullible or whatever for your beliefs I pretty much agree completely with. I hate it when people make arrogant judgmental statements like that but don’t think it’s just aimed towards Christians. People are always talking down about me because I’m agnostic. I get called a sinner ALL the time. But they’re just unfounded statements that you just have to ignore.

And finally, the religious war statement. First of all about the crusades. I haven’t studied the crusades formally through school (public education system=crap) but I’ve read about them a bit. I think you’re mixing a few things up. You’re correct in thinking Pope Urban was asked for help, but not by Arabs, instead he was asked by a fellow Christian, Alexius I. He was the leader of the Byzantine Empire, and was being attacked by Arabs. He asked Pope Urban II for help in defending his empire. However, instead of just offering this help Pope Urban sent more troops to not only defend Alexius but to also retake Jerusalem from the Muslims who controlled it. Prior to that, the Muslims who then controlled Jerusalem had been interfering with Christian interests in the area.

It sounds relatively religiously motivated to me.

Finally, your statistics were incredibly vague and misleading. You never specified who was doing the “annihilation” and then in another post you said:

“Thirdly if atheists/agnostics are so nice and lovely how come in the past 2000 years christians have killed 29 million (max) whilst in just the past century of bloodshed atheists have killed over 170 million.”

“well positive tension, these millions of people killed by atheists were killed in countries such as the Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Poland) etc. about 70 million people were killed under Stalin. A further 70 million were killed under Mao in China. Already this is far in excess of the 29 million killed under 'Christian' regimes. Further people were killed by the likes of Pol Pot in Cambodia, who in fact ordered an annhilation of all christians.”

It sounded like you were talking about EVERY Christian and EVER atheists and now you specified that you were only talking about Christian and Atheists regimes I guess? You never specified that originally. Furthermore, your statistics are wrong. Stalin killed anywhere from 20-28 million people, not 70 million, and Mao killed 49 million during both the great leap forward and cultural revolution.

Furthermore, just because some FANATICS have given atheists a bad name doesn’t make all atheists are evil as you implied above. Just because there are Muslim extremists does that make all Muslims less “nice and lovely” than the rest of the world?

If I sound angry and argumentative, I’m sorry. I respect your beliefs and I think you are well educated, you know what you believe and why you believe it and you are certainly not gullible or brainwashed. And I am definitely not trying to convert you or tell you your beliefs are wrong. However, you did attack the beliefs of atheists, which is why I took the time to respond at all. You’ve made some pretty arrogant statements and then COMPLETELY contradicted yourself, not to mention exaggerating statistics by a couple million.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Ok, I'll respond to Pakana Sielu first. I don;t think you got what I was trying to say. I was poiting out how people are always going around saying there are tons of loopholes in the bible but I have never heard anyone back up that statement. I have never heard anyone disprove the bible, despite hearing tons of people claim that is is "a lie". Now I'm not even a christian but I think you have to recognize christianity as a legitimate system of beliefs and not write it off as a lie without any justification. So please be the first and tell me some of the loopholes in the bible, I'm not saying there aren't any for all I know there are, I would just like someone to poitn them out for me. Thanks.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, and Pakana Sielu could you please list these 29 million loopholes? A couple million must have slipped my mind. And where did you get your information about these "loopholes" I'm assuming you've never actually read, or even picked up a bible. You're probably one of those dumbasses who reads the Davinci codes and immediately has a Ph.D. in theology.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
"Again all I can say is atheists have brought about over 7 times as much annihilation in history. It's simple: people kill people, but whereas christianity is a gospel of love, atheism is a gospel either neutral or negative. You have no possible moral high ground to stand on, because you have no source for moral values. How came atheists constantly criticise theists and try to convert them to their beliefs"


7 times more destruction? You can't go around making steatements like that without backing them up. Christians kill and murder just like atheists. Just because someone follows a "gospel of love" doesn't mean they're infallible and immune to sin.

And just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I have "no source for moral values". Yes I do, I have this thing called a BRAIN. It tells me what I think is right and wrong, I don't need some book to do that for me.

Also, since when are atheists the ones who try to convert other people? I have never had an atheist come to my door telling me to change my beliefs, however that's something Christians do quite a bit. Christians send out missionaries to convert people all over the world. I honestly cannot believe someone who claims to be educated can make such ignorant statements.

Also, "Wars are rarely, if ever, started for religious reasons"

Umm I don't know if you remember this thing called umm THE CRUSADES

Broken Social Scene – It's All Gonna Break Lyrics 18 years ago
its all gonna break.
when i was a kid, you fucked me in the ass
but i took my pen to paper and i passed
you know i love the shit cause the shit it tastes so good,
i got pastures waiting in the woods.........
its all gonna break
treat me like a sign, sounds like so/oh well
i know times like these are the hell
and when you do the tricks, the tricks look so good
i got buried rumors waiting in the woods,
and they try to climb awake
and call me over,
skies they rape and skies are sober.
minds they fake and minds rolled over
it's good, it's good, it's good.

i know your dying
i know it's true
i know theirs seven thousand things you rather be and rather do,
and i know........that you fuck what you love
and you love what you fuck.

i'll keep them out girl, i'll keep it true
i'll do anything inside the skin of you
cause i know that the sound of your heart
is a god i can trust,
like a man ,
not a boy
i don't love i just fight with the violence in ourselves
its all gonna break
and you all want the lovely music to save your lives
and you all want the lovely music to save your lives
keep it coming
their is no lie to save your life
keep it coming
this is the lie to save your life
why are you always fucking ghosts
why are you always fucking ghosts
it's been such a long
life that we trust
your heart is a whore
and love is just lust.
you want what you can't
and you can't cause of fear
we've got to get
out of here
why are you always.........
its been and it settles down and fights to love.
its all gonna break.

Those are the lyrics from the website

Death Cab for Cutie – Marching Bands of Manhattan Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about unrequited love or not being able to tell someone how you feel.

The first two stanzas are saying how he wishes he could tell the girl he loves that he loves her. Then the "Oh what a beautiful view
if you were never aware of what was around you" part is talking about how the girl doesn't know how he feels or doesn't notice him.. something to that extent. Then the last part is saying how if you don't act on love it will 'drown'

The New Pornographers – From Blown Speakers Lyrics 18 years ago
I think its kind of about having a temporary 'high' when something good happens and then coming back to reality of all the stresses of life.. or maybe it could be about waking up from a good dream. I kind of get that from the alarm clock part. Hmm i dunno great song though.

Wolf Parade – It's a Curse Lyrics 18 years ago
"Just the other night
Body twisted in a pattern
You know they stare at the light
They are too dead but the body don't mind"

I think the "they are too dead" part is talking about people who are kind of mentally or spiritually drifting through life just going through the motions and never really being happy.

You know a neutral sky
And nothing to do at night
Little highway lights
They shine

Then the neutral sky part is talking about life being neautral with nothing good ever happening and the highway lights I think, symbolize hope or something positive like that.

From the top of the mountain
To the rock and sand
Drive a dead farther west
Til they ran out of land
We walked five whole minutes
To the dark edge of town
Took a long look at nothing
And turned back around

Then I think that part is about not being able to find happiness and just going back to having a mediocre boring life. It's kind of late so I hope that made some sense. :\

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Over and Over Again (Lost and Found) Lyrics 18 years ago
I think maybe it's about getting older and how time goes by quickly? I don't know most of the lyrics don't really fit with that except for the first part and the beard part a little.

Bloc Party – Two More Years Lyrics 18 years ago
I know this isn't right but when I first heard the title I thought of george bush.. but this was written before there was 2 years left of him probably... and the rest of the lyrics don't go along with that at all.. soo nevermind.

My Morning Jacket – Wordless Chorus Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about getting caught up in all the stresses of life and forgetting about important things like love and happiness and things that matter. maybe? i dunno. But first comment sweeet.

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