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Feist – My Moon My Man Lyrics 13 years ago
It's about a relationship and how it plays with her emotions. Probably an affair.

Arcade Fire – Month of May Lyrics 13 years ago
They said this was their "rock 'n roll" song on the album. They've also said many times that they're very inspired by Springsteen, and this song definitely has that feel to it.
Musically the song is pretty basic, so the lyrics are at the forefront here.
"Month of May" conjures images of springtime and love, both of which are referred to here. However, in true Arcade Fire fashion, everything has a dark side. "The violent winds" could easily refer to Montreal during the spring.
Renewal seems to be a theme here. A fresh start, a new outlook, mind-opening and beautiful, May can make us feel like anything is possible. But it can still be cold and windy and miserable and disappointing and depressing...
I love it!

Broken Social Scene – Lover's Spit Lyrics 14 years ago
This song introduced me to BSS a few years ago, I thought it was provocative and insightful and instantly fell in love with their music. Just recently I discovered the Beehives version with Feist and think it's one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard.
This song is a tribute to "all those people" who go through partners one after the other basing the success of their relationships on how much sex they have, how good it is, how good he/she is at giving head etc. and putting all sorts of effort into learning how to either improve on these things or just move on. These kinds of relationships allow people to remain emotionally detached from the person they're "drinking lovers' spit" with and "swallowing words while giving head" to. They're giving the most intimate part of themselves away a little bit at a time, but it all kind of means nothing in the end. Deep down most people want something more meaningful and either don't realize it or don't know how to find it.

This song is also a tribute to those couples who have broken through that meaningless sex barrier and have found something more profound and possibly long-lasting. This song speaks to two totally different types. "Better take some hand and get used to it" may be a comic stab at what happens when you're in a marriage; if you're a man, you're pretty much not going to get head anymore... but if that's the only thing you're really going to miss, then that's okay...
I totally want to get down with my husband when I listen to this song.

The Killers – All These Things That I've Done Lyrics 14 years ago
It seems very simple to me.
Getting older. He's coming to terms with himself. Remorse over what he's done in life and fear that he'll never be able to redeem himself. Can't shake the past; realizes he's dragging all his baggage with him as he gets older. Wants to be a "better" person but knows he can't without support and guidance. Has the desire to change but just can't do the work ("I've got soul but I'm not a soldier"). Doesn't want to be forsaken. He's misunderstood; has great intentions but they just don't show. Feels entitled to some forgiveness. He needs more time, then maybe it'll get better. Maybe it doesn't even matter in the end. In the meantime, life goes on as usual.

Neko Case – Hold On, Hold On Lyrics 15 years ago
"Better the devil you know than the one you don't" The greater of two evils.

Neko Case – This Tornado Loves You Lyrics 15 years ago
I think of a mom desperately wanting her kid back, the kid is with the father or whoever. She's trying so hard but she's a total mess and in the back of her mind she knows even her kid knows it. She wants to prove how much she loves her child but ends up making herself look worse in the process because she leaves a path of destruction everywhere she goes (which is why she lost the kid in the first place) . A sad song, but still I think one of the best on this album.

Chad Vangaalen – Burn 2 Ash Lyrics 15 years ago
Everyone wants to find meaning. It's especially important when you think you're in love...

Caribou – Melody Day Lyrics 15 years ago
Where's the chores in this?? It sounds like they're singing "BJ".....

Vampire Weekend – One (Blake's Got a New Face) Lyrics 16 years ago
Oh! The horror of being left alone wearing nothing but my cllegiate sweater..
I hope I never get caught wearing that...
BTW... I enjoy both English Breakfast and Darjeeling... and I wouldn't want to correct the waitress, no matter what sex.
...Ssome of the best waitressess are the ones that serve you breakfast after a nasty hangover.

Vampire Weekend – Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa Lyrics 16 years ago
A "loser" talking to a rich girl. Loser is trying to sleep with rich girl. It's summer vacation. He's being a bit condescending to her: "is your bed made?" , references to the expensive clothes and linens and luggage... Also references to music.
He knows she's better than all that rich shit, just egging her on until she gives in and f***s him.

Vampire Weekend – Mansard Roof Lyrics 16 years ago
They're quite sarcastic and dry in their humour... Love indie shit like this, and even this band, although they're american. I mean, how cool can you get-- singing songs about things as mundane as types of roofs. they should hook up with some canadians

Do Make Say Think – Frederica Lyrics 16 years ago
Definitely the best DMST song. Period.

Do Make Say Think – In Mind Lyrics 16 years ago
Pure perfection!
If they play this one when I see them next week I'll shit myself. (well, probably not, but I will make a spectacle, guarenteed!)

Do Make Say Think – A with Living Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought it was "Feel it right, feels good, but being ??? is best..."
I'll be seing them next week, so hopefully they'll plaay this song, and I'll update.

The National – Mr. November Lyrics 16 years ago
Many different interpretations here, but they all seem to come down to one theme: The feeling of pressure, being counted on for something important, the fear of letting everyone down, convincing yourself that you were once great... He's using all sorts of metaphors to describe these feelings. Great song!
My husband just saw him in Toronto and he closed the show with this song--he said it was awsome!

Sarah Harmer – Basement Apartment Lyrics 17 years ago
I totally relate to this song. When I first moved out on my own 10 yrs ago I lived in a basement apartement and had a similar lifestyle: hanging out, watching the empties pile up, never really seing the light of day for days at a time, smoking too much pot, feeling like you barely exist anymore, like there's no meaning to got really depressing. I was totally disillusioned after that, because I used to want that lifestyle, and after awhile I realized that living like that sucked and I was missing out on life. This song totally speaks to that time in my life.

Sarah Harmer – Lodestar Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is so beautiful. I love the idea of just two lovers with nothing to go by but the darkness and the fire, no stars to guide them, only eachother's desires and curiosity. Out on the water in the darkness, with a million stars in the sky... Ahhhhh, to have something like that again!
By the way, the oil-like water, I think that is just a way to describe the way the water looks in the dark: black, smooth and so on.

Chad Vangaalen – Burn 2 Ash Lyrics 17 years ago
Love It!!!

Joel Plaskett – A Million Dollars Lyrics 17 years ago
What am I missing ? I can't believe more people aren't into this song...Yet another example of feeling isolated I guess.

This song just makes me want to play it all out. Any takers?

Arcade Fire – Ocean of Noise Lyrics 17 years ago
It could be either about a relationship between two people or a relationship between two "things" ie. countries, ideas...ect.
Beautiful song. Uplifting. The music is very nostalgic for some reason.

Arcade Fire – (Antichrist Television Blues) Lyrics 17 years ago
A father is exploiting his daughter for his own personal gain. Deep down he probably knows it's wrong, but because he's a "good christian god-fearing man", he can sleep at night.

Owen Pallett – Please Please Please Lyrics 18 years ago
Nothing wrong with a song about cock...

Owen Pallett – This Is the Dream of Win & Regine Lyrics 18 years ago
Love the song, played it over and over before I learned the I love it even more! It would be just like Win and Regine to want nothing to come between them, namely fame. The Arcade Fire has thus far tried pretty hard to stay as low-key as possible which will be increasingly more difficult as they continue to produce such fine work. Final Fantasy's take on this ("Crown myself the prince of buzz, Can't wait until you unsubscribe") is that Win would rather be a lonely songwriter/poet than the lead guy in some over-hyped band.

Bright Eyes – Another Travelin' Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Love the song. I actually like the backup vocals--pretty sure it's Emmylou Harris.
"...I dreamed a ship was sinking, there was people sreaming all around, and I awoke to my alarm clock, it was a pop song and it was playing loud". I'm not positive, but I think he may be talking about a Tragically Hip song where the guy is dreaming about a ship sinking and all the people in the water were screaming as they drowned. I mean, how clever is that?

Leonard Cohen – Who by Fire Lyrics 18 years ago
I think of St. Peter at the gates of heaven, calling on those who are waiting to get in.

Leonard Cohen – Dance Me to the End of Love Lyrics 18 years ago
This is by far the most romantic song I've ever known.
I love every line of this song, but a few stand out: "Dance me to the children who are asking to be born"--my knees go weak over that one. Or: "Raise a tent of shelter now though every thread is torn" suggesting they have few posessions but their love is enough to sustain them.
I fantasize about re-marrying my husband just so that this can be our (second) wedding song!

Leonard Cohen – Closing Time Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about all the excesses in life, sin if you will. All good things must come to an end--"The Boss don't like these dizzy heights, we're busted in the blinding lights of closing time". The "Boss" (God/ our conscience/ our mortality) always seems to surface when we are enjoying overabundance. Reality and responsibility eventually set in, a similar feeling to when the lights go on in a bar after closing time; you realize the fun's over and it's time to go home. Or like a deer caught in the headlights--frozen for a moment not knowing what to do next.
At the beginning of the song he reflects on how life was all about drinking, dancing, sex and superficial beauty--and how much fun it was. Later in the song he's older and has been either unwilling or unable to change the direction his life was going, except now he knows "the awful truth" which is that despite all the fun to be had, he has lived a somewhat lonely and empty life.

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows Lyrics 18 years ago
My first time hearing this song was in the above mentioned "Pump Up The Volume" as well. I was quite young but the song stood out. I later heard Leonard Cohen in the 90's with "Closing Time" and subscequently fell in love with his music and poetry. He's unique, dark, passionate, and real. This song especially...I barely have the words to describe how amazing it true his words are.

Rufus Wainwright – The One You Love Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, definitely my favourite song on the album.
It sounds as though the song is comming from the perspective of the one who's been cheated on, who feels betrayed by his lover. You can hear this when he says "after all that I have done" for their relationship, and he's bitter and sarcastic when he says "I'm only the one you love". Yet he's still trying to win this person back, or try to find a reason to stay together: "lets fuck this awful art party" and go get it on... But eventually he leaves, and as he does he questions his own love for this person: "Are you only the one I love", he asks at the end.

Rufus Wainwright – The Art Teacher Lyrics 18 years ago
What a beautiful, sad retrospective and filled with longing.
Also really nice to listen to--this guy has so much talent with his voice. Doesn't he come from a musically inclined family--like opera singers and such? I think his sister sings backup on this album, too.

I also heard the story about Rufus running into this "cute" guy at the gym who happened to be an art teacher who had a female student with a crush on him. Rufus also said that he himself had a crush on this straight art teacher/gym buddy. And from that, he wrote this song.

Arcade Fire – Winter for a Year Lyrics 18 years ago
Nobody has commented on this song yet?

I love it. I love the twangy picking sound at the beginning.
I love the reference to a seemingly never-ending winter.
Yet another emotional connection that is overcome by static and interference and cold.

Arcade Fire – Intervention Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm pretty sure these are old songs.

Arcade Fire – Cars and Telephones Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, this song speaks to long distance relationships.
It also speaks to physically close relationships with emotional distances, too. It sucks when you and your partner are on an emotionally different level.

Arcade Fire – Brazil Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this sweet old love song goes something more like this:

Brazil, where (our) hearts were entertained in June,
we stood beneath an amber moon and softly whispered:
"One day soon we'll kiss"
And clung together--
Then, tomorrow was another day.
The morning found me miles away with still a milion things to say.

And now as twilight moves the sky above, (with) the calming thrills of our love, there's one thing that I'm certain of: Return I will to old Brazil...

Arcade Fire – No Cars Go Lyrics 18 years ago
And to add to that last comment, I'd like to say how much I love listening to Win Butler sing about such beautiful and sad ideas...In this song, it's the idea that: Children (and those that take care of them) are the most important people, and their needs should come there's a place where that can happen (away from society, social conscience, technology, man,)...but unfortunately that place exsits in a sort of dream world where we have the power to obtain it but at the same time it feels as far away as that place our mind goes just before falling asleep-- "Between the click of the light and the start of the dream".
This song is also just really cool to listen to...the harmony and accompanying music rocks, as usual.

And to add to another comment, I've been singing it as:
" Mom!
Let's go!"

Arcade Fire – No Cars Go Lyrics 18 years ago
"Between the click of the light and the start of the dream" is such a cool analagy to what I think every person has experienced as some point before falling asleep: The awareness that you're succumbing to sleep and your subconscious, while at the same time there's still some rational thought. I love that line!

The Shins – Kissing the Lipless Lyrics 18 years ago
Can't anyone see that he is talking to an old person, most likely someone close, like a grandparent? It seems so obvious to me, even before I read the lyrics...By the way, I think the line goes: "And secretly I want you buried in the yard"

Arcade Fire – Intervention Lyrics 18 years ago
...and when something like "death" has so much fear attached to it why do some people approach life with such disregard, such as those that have succumbed to an addiction.

Arcade Fire – Wake Up Lyrics 18 years ago
"With my lightning bolts a 'glowin I can see where I am going" --hyper-awareness of society and of your place in it and your impact on other people. Taking responsibility for your actions and their effect on others. Wake Up! Snap out of it and start feeling something! Find some meaning in your life!
...and we sure didn't learn this from the previous generation--our parents--who paved the road for and essentially allowed us to become obsessed with technology, indifference, and accumulation.

Arcade Fire – Crown of Love Lyrics 18 years ago
I wonder if perhaps they had a relationship when they were younger (hence the references to his mom walking into his room) and he did something that ruined their relationship. The lines "I snuffed it out" (the spark) and "I shrugged them off" (someone's hands) lead me to think he has something to hide. Perhaps he cheated on her. Because of this he feels he is no longer worthy of her love. "The crown of love is not upon me" --he is flawed, and he will always carry that truth with him.
Years have passed. "The only thing that keeps changing is your name", maybe she's been married and divorced. He can't get over her and still loves her-- "my love keeps growing". He is looking for forgiveness, but knows their love would be flawed because of his past mistakes.
"The crown of love" represents that which is true and good in a relationship, and he knows their love would never have that pureness because of what happened in the past. "It's not within me" is so tragic because he knows he will never be able to give her what she needs--the ability to trust him. She probably told him so when she gave him her "straight answer".
Still, he can't get her out of his head: "Your name is the only word that I can say"...

So tragic and so beautiful...I love this song and Arcade Fire is quite possibly the most briliant band out there!

Cuff the Duke – Long Winter Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is so singable (all CTD songs are) but this one is especially. Although the lyrics suggest that the guy is unhappy (wishful thinking...what ifs) the music is somehow uplifting. I love the piano (or keyboard--whatever), it's so simple yet so elequant. I also love the use of the symbals during the "yeah I know how it feels..." bit.

Arcade Fire – Cold Wind Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song...especially the way the tempo picks up at the end right out of the blue: "Awwww, hey hey hey!" in the middle of all that sadness. It leaves the listener with the feeling that things may be okay in the end.

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