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Tori Amos – Happy Phantom Lyrics 1 year ago
@[demerson:45376] a couple of weeks ago I logged into the email address I used for this account, which I almost never use now apart from for total junk stuff, and saw an email notification pop up to say someone had replied to this comment...what a blast from the past :)

And yeah I still like Tori! :) although more her older stuff these days, and I spend less time obsessing over song lyrics than I did in 2005... I'm also much less offended by the Kate Bush comparisons than I used to be!

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum – A Hymn to the Morning Star Lyrics 16 years ago
Morning Star:

The Virgin Mary
The Book of Revelation

The song morphs from imagery of Jesus to the apocalypse, and Lucifer, which is continued throughout the rest of the album.

Bee Gees – I Started a Joke Lyrics 16 years ago
It's about a misfit, who thinks he is in control but is unaware that he has no control at all, the joke's on him but it takes him a long time to realise. He gets everything wrong. It's nothing to do with Jesus or George Bush, it's just a sad song about some guy feeling sorry for himself.

Mr. Bungle – None Of Them Knew They Were Robots Lyrics 16 years ago
I thought that the title was a reference to The Stepford Wives, guess I was wrong...

Mr. Bungle – Squeeze Me Macaroni Lyrics 17 years ago
I didn't realise it was 'give your dog a boner' for ages, then when I realised it was even better. Ahh, Mr Bungle, I love you.

Mr. Bungle – Violenza Domestica Lyrics 17 years ago
ha wow that's quite disturbing

Peeping Tom – Mojo (Feat. Rahzel & Dan the Automator) Lyrics 17 years ago
it's funny because when I saw Peeping Tom live (excellent by the way, one of the best gigs of my life and now I'm gagging to see Patton live again!) his performance of this song seemed very tongue-in-cheek (then again so did the whole gig haha, but this one especially so), so I kind of find it a bit difficult to take that seriously...I dunno!

Martha Wainwright – Lolita Lyrics 18 years ago
A direct reference to Lolita the book, brilliant!

The Beach Boys – Wouldn't It Be Nice Lyrics 19 years ago
I'm quite like Scheisse here. The song is about an innocent young couple who wish they could be older obviously...but the innocence I think is quite heartbreaking because life isn't really like that when you're older anyway.

This song makes me cry because it reminds me of someone I care a lot about but I'm not sure if anything could happen between us again. I wouldn't own this song if it wasn't for him. Meh.

The Beatles – I Want to Hold Your Hand Lyrics 19 years ago
OK, so The Beatles wrote more progressive, experimental stuff towards the end of their career. I love that stuff. They also started writing rubbish just because they were The Beatles and they could. Never mind. I still love this song. It's cheerful, poppy, has great harmonies and puts a smile on my face. So the lyrics aren't particularly deep or meaningful, so what? Admittedly I hate most pop music these days, but that's because there's very little that hasn't been done before, and most of it's even more inane than the lyrics to this song. The Beatles were the first band to be huge, and will probably be the last. The fact that they started off with poppy stuff like this and ended up writing bizarre, drug-induced songs yet still remained big just shows how much of an influence they had in so many different areas of the music industry.

This song is a good pop song. Despite the fact that I don't really like music, I can still appreciate a good pop song. To the person who said they were only interested in rock music-grow up a little. I mainly listen to rock music too (using the term loosely), but that doesn't mean I'm not open to different types of music, and I'm certainly not prepared to dismiss all other types of music just because they're not to my taste. Every genre has its redeeming qualities, but in the end it's just down to personal preference.

OK, rant over :p

Radiohead – How to Disappear Completely Lyrics 19 years ago
To me it's a song of trying to escape: 'I'm not here, this isn't happening' to me seems more like a wish, a cry for help, than being able to the situation is too depressing or scary to contemplate that you just have to try and mentally shut yourself off before you lose it completely. I'm not sure I've explained myself properly, but there you go. That's my opinion.

Jeff Buckley – Grace Lyrics 19 years ago
Not suicide. Some people say it was suicide, but it's generally accepted that it was an accident. Going swimming in the river like that seems pretty in keeping with his spontaneous nature if you ask me. Anyway. I thought the line 'she cries to the clicking of time' wasn't to do with the fact that every emotion has been thought before, but more to do with the fact that every second is a second closer to death, and he's trying to console her.

Jeff Buckley – Morning Theft Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't know what this song is exactly about, but a lot of the lyrics remind me of something that happened recently. I think that although this song may have had a very specific meaning to Jeff, it can mean a lot of things to different people. I never listened to it that much before this happened, but now certain lines ring so true and I'm addicted to it now.

Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, it literally makes my hairs stand on end. I think reading the book makes it all the more poignant, because despite the lyrics this song still sounds like a fairly 'normal' love song (I use the word normal in the loosest sense possible), but the book is pretty disturbing which makes this song more chilling I think.

Backstreet Boys – As Long As You Love Me Lyrics 19 years ago
Er...Corlist-homosexuality is a sexual orientation, not a gender.

Tori Amos – Happy Phantom Lyrics 19 years ago
I like to think of this song as someone dying rather than a relationship. It's more kooky that way and well, Tori is kooky!

What does everyone think of the 'they say Confucious does his crossword with a pen' line? I get the impression that it means he's so clever he can do it with a pen without making mistakes (haha) but whatever it means, how does it fit in with the rest of the song?

The Beatles – Penny Lane Lyrics 19 years ago
Hey ScouseMouse, I live in Liverpool too (just as a student though mind-sorry!) and I just walked down Penny Lane today :) we'll probably be looking at houses on there in a few days for next year. It's not the best area in the world so we'll only be looking if we have time after the other ones, but it'll still be cool to have a look I think. It's weird to think that I live so near the original Penny Lane hehe. Cool though. Sorry that has nothing to do with the lyrics...erm....nothing to say really! Must look for that barber's though...

Jeff Buckley – Moodswing Whiskey Lyrics 19 years ago
It's 'lemon peel', not 'lemon king', and 'your nightmare falls around me in waves of bliss', not 'the nightmare's fires burn the waves of bliss'

I'm assuming this is from the mystery white boy version, because I know Jeff varied his lyrics quite a lot, so if this is from a bootleg version (heaven forbid ;)) then you might be right, but in the official version those are the right lyrics.

Can't believe nobody has commented on this song! It's great! Very dark, I love how it builds up at the end with the line 'this is for all the headless acrobats, faces crushed in the circus dust'. I also love the line 'bliss the actress, bliss the assassin, bliss the abyss'. Great stuff, pretty dark though.

Jeff Buckley – Your Flesh Is So Nice Lyrics 19 years ago
I wondered why he sang 'my pussy' for a while, because obviously being a guy...anyway Jeff once referred to himself as 'a lesbian in a man's body', and occasionally wore women's clothing, which explains it. This is a great, fun song.

Jeff Buckley – Lover, You Should've Come Over Lyrics 19 years ago
This song has some of the best lyrics I've ever heard: the 'it's never over part', and especially 'she's a tear that hangs inside my soul forever'-that's such a beautiful image and right now probably my favourite lyric of all time. Once I told someone these lyrics and they described them as 'a bit mills and boon-ish' and I was mortally offended!

Oh by the way GentleDogs-it's not actually a gospel choir, it's Jeff multitracking his own voice! Brilliant isn't it? I thought it was a gospel choir at first, but it's just Jeff. I love it so much, especially when he sings 'all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter' and in the background one of his 'voices' sings a high note, and to me it seems like a kind of singing-laughing kind of note. It's wonderful.

Jeff Buckley – Grace Lyrics 19 years ago
procrastinatingbum-this song is not about Jeff contemplating suicide. I'm paraphrasing here but he spoke about it and he said something along the lines of it being about rejecting all fear of death when you have someone else to share life with-life is a struggle but 'sometimes somebody elses faith in you can work wonders'. I didn't explain myself very well there because it's a long time since I heard him talk about it but that's basically what it is. And it's an absolutely amazing song. Jeff Buckley is my favourite artists and if it wasn't for him, both directly and indirectly, I probably wouldn't have even heard of half the music I love today.

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