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Jethro Tull – Two Fingers Lyrics 19 years ago
From a Tull website:

When you lick two fingers clean, you then rub them against your thumb to clean off the dirt. This gesture symbolizes "money" or "pay me", which is what organized religion is saying to the masses, else they wind up on your back run over by a train. In other words, pay the church, or have problems.

Jethro Tull – To Cry You A Song Lyrics 19 years ago
Definitely a song about traveling.
"Flying so high....when I get down I jump in a taxi..." and he is on his way to cry us a song. It sounds like a song about touring, but then in the last verse we find out that he's just going home. "Rattling of safety chain" before his honey opens the door and smiles sweetly at him. Not a touring song....a going home song.

Jethro Tull – A Song For Jeffrey Lyrics 19 years ago
A great early Tull song with a sound that you have never heard before. The lyrics mean "I'm going to give up my day job and see where this music thing goes" and anybody who has ever done this will recognize this as an anthem of focused determination and blind optimism. It obviously paid off.

Jethro Tull – Pibroch (Cap In Hand) Lyrics 19 years ago
1st - Thanks for transcribing this, Philly Eagles, but your football team stinks and your fans are morons.

2nd - This is an amazing song. In case you are wondering, the amazing first guitar riff was created by playing a fairly simple lead riff with a lot of distortion through a delay effects box set to a really long delay. After it was recorded, it was all turned backward so that the fade in, referse echo effect was created.

The middle is the genius of David Palmer, arranging the hell out the song. His work on this Songs from the wood and the other albums from this era was amazing.

Too bad the song itself is kinda depressing since it is about a LOSER such as you might find on the Philadelphia Eagles Football team.

Jethro Tull – One White Duck / 0^{10} = Nothing At All Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, but honestly I haven't got a clue. Will somebody please tell me what the hell these lyrics mean?

The Beatles – Dig a Pony Lyrics 19 years ago
Pure speculation...

I dig a Celebrate anything you want.

I do a road hog...groupie...penetrate any place you want.

Pick a moon dog - Early Lennon band in Liverpool was Johnny and the Moondogs. Radiate? Star?

Roll a stoney...the Rolling Stones, imitating "everyone you know, including the Beatles, which they did throughout the entire 60's

Syndicate any boat you row? WTF??? I've always wondered about that lyric.

For those of you who know John's written work in his two books, you know about his love of wordplay, puns, and twisting words around to make new ones. Any thoughts about "syndicate any boat you row?"

The Beatles – Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Lyrics 19 years ago
1. John and the other Beatles (but mainly John) were doing a LOT of acid at the time.
2. Rock stars were getting busted a LOT around this time for possessing drugs.
3. Society was starting to pay a lot of attention to the decadence of the drug culture that was coming into being at the time.
4. Brian Epstein was still alive.
5. John was a savvy capitalist and the financial success of the Beatles was very important to him.
6. John was still smarting from the financial and professional damage done to the Beatles by his "bigger than Jesus" comment.

Okay, lets combine the elements into this stew:

John was very excited about the pleasurable and mind expanding effects of LSD and wanted to write about it to a) spread the word and b)write a song that would be great to trip to (as most of the songs on Sgt Pepper were). Plus, the Beatles would have had a great laugh over the LSD initials in the title. After having written and recorded this masterpiece, they played it for Brian Epstein, their manager, who promptly flipped out told them that they must never never never admit that this song has anything to do with drugs or LSD, else another shitstorm of controversy would fall on them similar to the one caused by John's "bigger than Jesus" statement. Or even worse, it could draw the attention of Scotland Yard who were busting pop stars left and right at the time in response to conservative British society's outcry over blatant drug use and endorsement by the youth movement and their spokesmen, pop stars.

The "admit nothing" strategy worked very well and the Beatles continued their incredible commercial success. John DID get busted for drugs, but let off with a slap on the wrist. "Society" moved on to easier targets

The origin of the name of the song may or may not be factual, but one thing is for can NOT trust John's statements that it wasn't about acid. John knew it was about acid and the people he was writing to knew it was about acid. Everybody else had to be content with the "Julian's drawing" story.

John was a genius, and this event proves it...he writes the best song ever for (and about) acid tripping and is smart enough to know that to admit what it is really about would be a financial and professional disaster, so he concocts and maintains the big lie that keeps everybody happy. The song was great and the lie was great and everybody got out their wallets. Lennon smiles.

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