
Featured Mixtape
songs to chill out to
Tape Songs Comments Author
Songs about SEXX
uh duh sex
13 9 gogogirl
heart strings
0 13 Kelc029
winters here.
0 4 mctyabmh
it's all about the music that i love. ;))
9 9 blankandfaded
Spice World
ok. i'll spice it up with some spice girls...cause yeah, they was bitches...and they was hot like spice and everything nice... and i like t...
10 10 moonshadowbird396
beans and corn bread
can't always get what you want
0 8 in2sight
Work Out Mix
Songs to pump you up during a work out
15 9 poolshark121
Songs to End the Summer
Music to listen to when the nights start getting cooler, and the colours of the trees begin to change. Made in 2005, when I was 20.
20 6 Sincerity
Good Songs Beginning With B
A mixtape containing good songs that begin with the letter B.
28 3 adamus
*psychedelic drugs...
pardon me and my tongue...but yeah, i do believe that if it wasn't for psychedelics and other drugs...music would not be the same today. ps...
15 7 moonshadowbird396
my help
13 8 kani90
say goodbye
documentation of summer love. In progress, as I try to find the right words. specific order.
7 8 abeesting
Couple last ones, why not?
20 8 Intolerable
Far Away
1 10 sadeyedladyofthelowlands
Some last ones for the road!
Notta thing
You Expected To Be Sad In The Fall
You can download it here if you'd like: http://www.mediafire.com/?dikydwpd01fsx54
15 6 disappearxhere
Attempt #1
I'm exchanging indie mixes with a girl. We have two rules. 1) 15 songs 2) No: Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire, Elliot Smith, Flaming Lip...
15 7 acerimmer
Viva la Grunge!
The best of the best of Grunge... and some others. Enjoy!
15 5 TKirby
Real punk.
This mixtape is for the people who are sick of the self-proclaimed "punk" of the new millenium.
18 6 XNeverMind
Top 100 Country Songs 70-41
100 country songs I like
30 9 harderman61
Dark Wood Circus
Series of Vocaloid songs from the Dark WOod Circus series. 1.Steel Cage Princess 2.Wide Knowledge of Late Madness 3.Kurai Mori no Circus ...
12 8 Lichery
When I Think of You
Very special songs.
14 7 leavesintheriver
Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16
The very first time I saw your face I thought of a song and quickly changed the tune. The very first time I touched your skin I thought of a...
21 5 Enooby
Songs at my Funeral
No I'm not planning on dying anytime soon!! I just like having fun with these types of things.
8 8 PickSlide
13th Floor Elevators
cause they were so psychedelic...
14 8 moonshadowbird396